Example of Working with a Version 0.1.0 MTH5 File

from mth5.mth5 import MTH5
2022-03-24T18:12:02 [line 157] numexpr.utils._init_num_threads - INFO: NumExpr defaulting to 8 threads.
2022-03-24 18:12:04,296 [line 135] mth5.setup_logger - INFO: Logging file can be found C:\Users\jpeacock\Documents\GitHub\mth5\logs\mth5_debug.log

Initialize an MTH5 object with file version 0.1.0

m = MTH5(file_version="0.1.0")

Have a look at the attributes of the file

{'file.type': 'MTH5',
 'file.version': '0.1.0',
 'file.access.platform': 'Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0',
 'file.access.time': '2022-03-25T01:12:04.433011+00:00',
 'mth5.software.version': '0.2.4',
 'mth5.software.name': 'mth5',
 'data_level': 1}

Here are the data set options

{'compression': 'gzip',
 'compression_opts': 9,
 'shuffle': True,
 'fletcher32': True}

The file is currently not open yet

HDF5 file is closed and cannot be accessed.

Open a new file

We will open the file in mode w here, which will overwrite the file if it already exists. If you don’t want to do that or are unsure if a file already exists the safest option is using mode a.

Context Manager

Its strongly encouraged that if you are making an MTH5 file, even if you want to open it up afterwards that you use with.

with MTH5(**kwargs) as m:
    #pack MTH5

Using this style of pseudocode your MTH5 file will be made in a safe way if anything goes wrong in the packing. Using the with statement will automatically flush and close the MTH5 upon exiting the with statement, that includes any errors encountered.

Here we are just showing an example and how to interogate an MTH5 file.

m.open_mth5(r"example.h5", "w")
2022-03-24 18:12:04,481 [line 604] mth5.mth5.MTH5.open_mth5 - WARNING: example.h5 will be overwritten in 'w' mode
2022-03-24 18:12:04,787 [line 687] mth5.mth5.MTH5._initialize_file - INFO: Initialized MTH5 0.1.0 file example.h5 in mode w

Now that we have initiated a file, let’s see what’s in an empty file.

    |- Group: Survey
        |- Group: Filters
            |- Group: coefficient
            |- Group: fap
            |- Group: fir
            |- Group: time_delay
            |- Group: zpk
        |- Group: Reports
        |- Group: Standards
            --> Dataset: summary
        |- Group: Stations
        --> Dataset: channel_summary
        --> Dataset: tf_summary

We can see that there are default groups that are initiated by default. And here are the methods an MTH5 object contains. You can open/close an MTH5 file; add/remove station, run, channel; read from an mt_metadata.timeseries.Experiment object to fill the metadata and structure before adding data and create an mt_metadata.timeseries.Experiment object for archiving.

print("\n".join(sorted([func for func in dir(m) if callable(getattr(m, func)) and not func.startswith("_")])))
2022-03-24 18:12:04,823 [line 470] mth5.mth5.MTH5.experiment_group - INFO: File version 0.1.0 does not have an Experiment Group
2022-03-24 18:12:04,833 [line 497] mth5.mth5.MTH5.surveys_group - INFO: File version 0.1.0 does not have a survey_group, try surveys_group

Add a station

Here we will add a station called mt001. This will return a StationGroup object.

station_group = m.add_station("mt001")

Add some metadata to this station like location, who acquired it, and the reference frame in which the data were collected.

station_group.metadata.location.latitude = "40:05:01"
station_group.metadata.location.longitude = -122.3432
station_group.metadata.location.elevation = 403.1
station_group.metadata.acquired_by.author = "me"
station_group.metadata.orientation.reference_frame = "geomagnetic"

# IMPORTANT: Must always use the write_metadata method when metadata is updated.
    "station": {
        "acquired_by.author": "me",
        "channels_recorded": [],
        "data_type": "BBMT",
        "geographic_name": null,
        "hdf5_reference": "<HDF5 object reference>",
        "id": "mt001",
        "location.declination.model": "WMM",
        "location.declination.value": 0.0,
        "location.elevation": 403.1,
        "location.latitude": 40.08361111111111,
        "location.longitude": -122.3432,
        "mth5_type": "Station",
        "orientation.method": null,
        "orientation.reference_frame": "geomagnetic",
        "provenance.creation_time": "1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
        "provenance.software.author": "none",
        "provenance.software.name": null,
        "provenance.software.version": null,
        "provenance.submitter.email": null,
        "provenance.submitter.organization": null,
        "run_list": [],
        "time_period.end": "1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
        "time_period.start": "1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"

Add a Run

We can now add a run to the new station. We can do this in 2 ways, one directly from the m the MTH5 object, or from the newly created station_group

run_01 = m.add_run("mt001", "001")
run_02 = station_group.add_run("002")
    |- Group: 001
    |- Group: 002
    |- Group: Transfer_Functions

Add a Channel

Again we can do this in 2 ways: directly from the m the MTH5 object, or from the newly created run_01 or run_02 group. There are only 3 types of channels electric, magnetic, and auxiliary and this needs to be specified when a channel is initiated. We will initate the channel with data=None, which will create an empty data set.

ex = m.add_channel("mt001", "001", "ex", "electric", None)
hy = run_01.add_channel("hy", "magnetic", None)
    --> Dataset: ex
    --> Dataset: hy

Now, let’s see what the contents are of this file

    |- Group: Survey
        |- Group: Filters
            |- Group: coefficient
            |- Group: fap
            |- Group: fir
            |- Group: time_delay
            |- Group: zpk
        |- Group: Reports
        |- Group: Standards
            --> Dataset: summary
        |- Group: Stations
            |- Group: mt001
                |- Group: 001
                    --> Dataset: ex
                    --> Dataset: hy
                |- Group: 002
                |- Group: Transfer_Functions
        --> Dataset: channel_summary
        --> Dataset: tf_summary

Channel Summary

This is a summary of all channels in the file, this can take a long time to build if the data file is large.



ch_df = m.channel_summary.to_dataframe()
Wall time: 0 ns
survey station run latitude longitude elevation component start end n_samples sample_rate measurement_type azimuth tilt units hdf5_reference run_hdf5_reference station_hdf5_reference
0 none mt001 001 40.083611 -122.3432 403.1 ex 1980-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 1980-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 1 0.0 electric 0.0 0.0 none <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
1 none mt001 001 40.083611 -122.3432 403.1 hy 1980-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 1980-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 1 0.0 magnetic 0.0 0.0 none <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>

Close MTH5 file

This part is important, be sure to close the file in order to save any changes. This function flushes metadata and data to the HDF5 file and then closes it. Note that once a file is closed all groups lose their link to the file and cannot retrieve any data.

2022-03-24 18:12:05,104 [line 747] mth5.mth5.MTH5.close_mth5 - INFO: Flushing and closing example.h5
2022-03-24 18:12:05,110 [line 113] mth5.groups.base.Station.__str__ - WARNING: MTH5 file is closed and cannot be accessed.
MTH5 file is closed and cannot be accessed.