MTH5 Groups

Each group within an MTH5 file has a corresponding group object that provides convenience functions to interact with the HDF5 file and add, get, and remove groups or datasets to that group. For example a station has a corresponding mth5.groups.StationGroup object that provides functions to add, get, and remove a run. These are meant to make it easier for the user to interact with the HDF5 file without too much trouble.

v0.1.0 Groups

  • SurveyGroup: The master or root group of the HDF5 file

  • FiltersGroup: Holds all filters and filter information

    • ZPKGroup: Holds pole zero filters

    • FAPGroup: Holds frequency look up table filters

    • FIRGroup: Holds finite impulse response filters

    • CoefficientGroup: Holds coefficient filters

    • TimeDelayGroup: Holds time delay filters

  • Reports: Holds any reports relevant to the survey

  • StandardsGroup: A summary of metadata standards used

  • StationsGroup: Holds all the stations an subsequent data

    • StationGroup: Holds a single station

      • RunGroup: Holds a single run

        • ChannelDataset: Holds a single channel

v0.2.0 Groups

  • ExperimentGroup: The master or root group of the HDF5 file

  • ReportsGroup: Holds any reports relevant to the experiment

  • StandardsGroup: A summary of metadata standards used

  • SurveysGroup: Holds the surveys in an experiment

    • SurveyGroup: The master or root group of the HDF5 file

    • FiltersGroup: Holds all filters and filter information

      • ZPKGroup: Holds pole zero filters

      • FAPGroup: Holds frequency look up table filters

      • FIRGroup: Holds finite impulse response filters

      • CoefficientGroup: Holds coefficient filters

      • TimeDelayGroup: Holds time delay filters

    • Reports: Holds any reports relevant to the survey

    • StationsGroup: Holds all the stations an subsequent data

      • StationGroup: Holds a single station

        • RunGroup: Holds a single run

          • ChannelDataset: Holds a single channel


Each group contains a weak reference to the HDF5 group, this way when a file is closed there are no lingering references to a closed HDF5 file.

Base Groups

Each group inherits mth5.groups.base.BaseGroup which provides basic methods for the group. This includes setting up the proper metadata and group structure. The __str__ and __repr__ methods are overwritten to show the structure of the group.

A groups_list property is provided that lists all the subgroups in the group.

Group Descriptions