Source code for mth5.timeseries.channel_ts

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: timeseries
   :synopsis: Deal with MT time series

.. todo:: Check the conversion to netcdf.  There are some weird serializations of
lists and arrays that goes on, seems easiest to convert all lists to strings and then
convert them back if read in.

    Jared Peacock (


# ==============================================================================
# Imports
# ==============================================================================
import inspect

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from loguru import logger
from scipy import signal

import mt_metadata.timeseries as metadata
from mt_metadata.timeseries.filters import ChannelResponseFilter
from mt_metadata.utils.mttime import MTime
from mt_metadata.utils.list_dict import ListDict

from mth5.utils import fdsn_tools
from mth5.timeseries.ts_filters import RemoveInstrumentResponse
from mth5.timeseries.ts_helpers import (

from obspy.core import Trace

# =============================================================================
# make a dictionary of available metadata classes
# =============================================================================
meta_classes = dict(inspect.getmembers(metadata, inspect.isclass))

# ==============================================================================
# Channel Time Series Object
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class ChannelTS: """ .. note:: Assumes equally spaced samples from the start time. The time series is stored in an :class:`xarray.Dataset` that has coordinates of time and is a 1-D array labeled 'data'. The :class:`xarray.Dataset` can be accessed and set from the `ts`. The data is stored in '' and the time index is a coordinate of `ts`. The time coordinate is made from the start time, sample rate and number of samples. Currently, End time is a derived property and cannot be set. Channel time series object is based on xarray and :class:`mth5.metadata` therefore any type of interpolation, resampling, groupby, etc can be done using xarray methods. There are 3 metadata classes that hold important metadata * :class:`mth5.metadata.Station` holds information about the station * :class:`mth5.metadata.Run` holds information about the run the channel belongs to. * :class`mth5.metadata.Channel` holds information specific to the channel. This way a single channel will hold all information needed to represent the channel. :rubric: >>> from mth5.timeseries import ChannelTS >>> ts_obj = ChannelTS('auxiliary') >>> ts_obj.sample_rate = 8 >>> ts_obj.start = '2020-01-01T12:00:00+00:00' >>> ts_obj.ts = range(4096) >>> = 'MT001' >>> = 'MT001a' >>> ts_obj.component = 'temperature' >>> print(ts_obj) Station = MT001 Run = MT001a Channel Type = auxiliary Component = temperature Sample Rate = 8.0 Start = 2020-01-01T12:00:00+00:00 End = 2020-01-01T12:08:31.875000+00:00 N Samples = 4096 >>> p = ts_obj.ts.plot() """ def __init__( self, channel_type="auxiliary", data=None, channel_metadata=None, station_metadata=None, run_metadata=None, survey_metadata=None, **kwargs, ): self.logger = logger self._channel_type = self._validate_channel_type(channel_type) self._survey_metadata = self._initialize_metadata() self.data_array = xr.DataArray([1], coords=[("time", [1])], name="ts") self._channel_response = ChannelResponseFilter() self.survey_metadata = survey_metadata self.station_metadata = station_metadata self.run_metadata = run_metadata self.channel_metadata = channel_metadata # input data if data is not None: self.ts = data self._update_xarray_metadata() for key in list(kwargs.keys()): setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) def __str__(self): lines = [ f"Survey: {}", f"Station: {}", f"Run: {}", f"Channel Type: {self.channel_type}", f"Component: {self.component}", f"Sample Rate: {self.sample_rate}", f"Start: {self.start}", f"End: {self.end}", f"N Samples: {self.n_samples}", ] return "\n\t".join(["Channel Summary:"] + lines) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ChannelTS): raise TypeError(f"Cannot compare ChannelTS with {type(other)}.") if not other.channel_metadata == self.channel_metadata: return False if self.data_array.equals(other.data_array) is False: msg = "timeseries are not equal" return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ChannelTS): raise TypeError(f"Cannot compare ChannelTS with {type(other)}")"Only testing start time") if other.start < self.start and other.sample_rate == self.sample_rate: return True return False def __gt__(self, other): return not self.__lt__(other) def __add__(self, other): """ Add two channels together in the following steps 1. xr.combine_by_coords([original, other]) 2. compute monotonic time index 3. reindex(new_time_index, method='nearest') If you want a different method or more control use merge :param other: Another channel :type other: :class:`mth5.timeseries.ChannelTS` :raises TypeError: If input is not a ChannelTS :raises ValueError: if the components are different :return: Combined channel with monotonic time index and same metadata :rtype: :class:`mth5.timeseries.ChannelTS` """ if not isinstance(other, ChannelTS): raise TypeError(f"Cannot combine {type(other)} with ChannelTS.") if self.component != other.component: raise ValueError( "Cannot combine channels with different components. " f"{self.component} != {other.component}" ) if != self.component: = self.component if != self.component: = self.component # combine into a data set use override to keep attrs from original combined_ds = xr.combine_by_coords( [self.data_array, other.data_array], combine_attrs="override" ) n_samples = ( self.sample_rate * float( combined_ds.time.max().values - combined_ds.time.min().values ) / 1e9 ) + 1 new_dt_index = make_dt_coordinates( combined_ds.time.min().values, self.sample_rate, n_samples ) new_channel = ChannelTS( channel_type=self.channel_metadata.type, channel_metadata=self.channel_metadata, run_metadata=self.run_metadata, station_metadata=self.station_metadata, survey_metadata=self.survey_metadata, channel_response_filter=self.channel_response_filter, ) new_channel.data_array = combined_ds.interp( time=new_dt_index, method="slinear" ).to_array() new_channel.channel_metadata.time_period.start = new_channel.start new_channel.channel_metadata.time_period.end = new_channel.end new_channel.run_metadata.update_time_period() new_channel.station_metadata.update_time_period() new_channel.survey_metadata.update_time_period() new_channel._update_xarray_metadata() return new_channel def _initialize_metadata(self): """ Create a single `Survey` object to store all metadata :param channel_type: DESCRIPTION :type channel_type: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ survey_metadata = metadata.Survey(id="0") survey_metadata.stations.append(metadata.Station(id="0")) survey_metadata.stations[0].runs.append(metadata.Run(id="0")) ch_metadata = meta_classes[self.channel_type]() ch_metadata.type = self.channel_type.lower() survey_metadata.stations[0].runs[0].channels.append(ch_metadata) return survey_metadata def _validate_channel_type(self, channel_type): """ Validate channel type should be [ electric | magnetic | auxiliary ] """ if channel_type is None: channel_type = "auxiliary" if channel_type.lower() not in ["electric", "magnetic"]: channel_type = "auxiliary" if not channel_type.capitalize() in meta_classes.keys(): msg = ( "Channel type is undefined, must be [ electric | " "magnetic | auxiliary ]" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return channel_type.capitalize() def _validate_channel_metadata(self, channel_metadata): """ validate input channel metadata """ if not isinstance( channel_metadata, (metadata.Electric, metadata.Magnetic, metadata.Auxiliary), ): if isinstance(channel_metadata, dict): if self.channel_type.lower() not in [ cc.lower() for cc in channel_metadata.keys() ]: try: self.channel_type = channel_metadata["type"] except KeyError: pass channel_metadata = {self.channel_type: channel_metadata} self.channel_type = list(channel_metadata.keys())[0] ch_metadata = meta_classes[self.channel_type]() ch_metadata.from_dict(channel_metadata) channel_metadata = ch_metadata.copy() self.logger.debug("Loading from metadata dict") return channel_metadata else: msg = ( f"input metadata must be type {type(self.channel_metadata)}" f" or dict, not {type(channel_metadata)}" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) return channel_metadata.copy() def _validate_run_metadata(self, run_metadata): """ validate run metadata """ if not isinstance(run_metadata, metadata.Run): if isinstance(run_metadata, dict): if "run" not in [cc.lower() for cc in run_metadata.keys()]: run_metadata = {"Run": run_metadata} r_metadata = metadata.Run() r_metadata.from_dict(run_metadata) self.logger.debug("Loading from metadata dict") return r_metadata else: msg = ( f"input metadata must be type {type(self.run_metadata)} " f"or dict, not {type(run_metadata)}" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) return run_metadata.copy() def _validate_station_metadata(self, station_metadata): """ validate station metadata """ if not isinstance(station_metadata, metadata.Station): if isinstance(station_metadata, dict): if "station" not in [ cc.lower() for cc in station_metadata.keys() ]: station_metadata = {"Station": station_metadata} st_metadata = metadata.Station() st_metadata.from_dict(station_metadata) self.logger.debug("Loading from metadata dict") return st_metadata else: msg = ( f"input metadata must be type {type(self.station_metadata)}" f" or dict, not {type(station_metadata)}" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) return station_metadata.copy() def _validate_survey_metadata(self, survey_metadata): """ validate station metadata """ if not isinstance(survey_metadata, metadata.Survey): if isinstance(survey_metadata, dict): if "survey" not in [ cc.lower() for cc in survey_metadata.keys() ]: survey_metadata = {"Survey": survey_metadata} sv_metadata = metadata.Survey() sv_metadata.from_dict(survey_metadata) self.logger.debug("Loading from metadata dict") return sv_metadata else: msg = ( f"input metadata must be type {type(self.survey_metadata)}" f" or dict, not {type(survey_metadata)}" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) return survey_metadata.copy()
[docs] def copy(self, data=True): """ Make a copy of the ChannelTS object with or without data. :param data: include data in the copy (True) or not (False) :type data: boolean :return: Copy of the channel :rtype: :class:`mth5.timeseries.ChannelTS """ if not data: return ChannelTS( channel_type=self.channel_metadata.type, channel_metadata=self.channel_metadata.copy(), run_metadata=self.run_metadata.copy(), station_metadata=self.station_metadata.copy(), survey_metadata=self.survey_metadata.copy(), channel_response_filter=self.channel_response_filter.copy(), ) else: return ChannelTS( channel_type=self.channel_metadata.type, data=self.ts, channel_metadata=self.channel_metadata.copy(), run_metadata=self.run_metadata.copy(), station_metadata=self.station_metadata.copy(), survey_metadata=self.survey_metadata.copy(), channel_response_filter=self.channel_response_filter.copy(), )
### Properties ------------------------------------------------------------ @property def survey_metadata(self): """ survey metadata """ return self._survey_metadata @survey_metadata.setter def survey_metadata(self, survey_metadata): """ :param survey_metadata: survey metadata object or dictionary :type survey_metadata: :class:`mt_metadata.timeseries.Survey` or dict """ if survey_metadata is not None: survey_metadata = self._validate_survey_metadata(survey_metadata) self._survey_metadata.update(survey_metadata) @property def station_metadata(self): """ station metadata """ return self.survey_metadata.stations[0] @station_metadata.setter def station_metadata(self, station_metadata): """ set station metadata from a valid input """ if station_metadata is not None: station_metadata = self._validate_station_metadata(station_metadata) runs = ListDict() if not in ["0", 0, None]: runs.append(self.run_metadata.copy()) runs.extend(station_metadata.runs) if len(runs) == 0: runs[0] = metadata.Run(id="0") # be sure there is a level below if len(runs[0].channels) == 0: ch_metadata = meta_classes[self.channel_type]() ch_metadata.type = self.channel_type.lower() runs[0].channels.append(ch_metadata) stations = ListDict() stations.append(station_metadata) stations[0].runs = runs self.survey_metadata.stations = stations @property def run_metadata(self): """ station metadata """ return self.survey_metadata.stations[0].runs[0] @run_metadata.setter def run_metadata(self, run_metadata): """ set run metadata from a valid input """ # need to make sure the first index is the desired channel if run_metadata is not None: run_metadata = self._validate_run_metadata(run_metadata) runs = ListDict() runs.append(run_metadata) channels = ListDict() if self.component is not None: key = str(self.component) channels.append(self.station_metadata.runs[0].channels[key]) # add existing channels channels.extend( self.run_metadata.channels, skip_keys=[key, "0"] ) # add channels from input metadata channels.extend(run_metadata.channels) runs[0].channels = channels runs.extend( self.station_metadata.runs, skip_keys=[, "0"] ) self._survey_metadata.stations[0].runs = runs @property def channel_metadata(self): """ station metadata """ ch_metadata = self._survey_metadata.stations[0].runs[0].channels[0] if self.has_data(): ch_metadata.sample_rate = self.sample_rate return ch_metadata @channel_metadata.setter def channel_metadata(self, channel_metadata): """ set run metadata from a valid input """ if channel_metadata is not None: channel_metadata = self._validate_channel_metadata(channel_metadata) if channel_metadata.component is not None: channels = ListDict() if ( channel_metadata.component in self.run_metadata.channels.keys() ): channels.append( self.run_metadata.channels[channel_metadata.component] ) channels[0].update(channel_metadata) else: channels.append(channel_metadata) channels.extend( self.run_metadata.channels, skip_keys=[channel_metadata.component, None], ) self.run_metadata.channels = channels self.channel_type = self.run_metadata.channels[0].type else: raise ValueError("Channel 'component' cannot be None") def _check_pd_index(self, ts_arr): """ check pd index of dataframe or series is time and not index values :param ts_arr: DESCRIPTION :type ts_arr: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if isinstance(ts_arr.index[0], pd._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp): return ts_arr.index else: return make_dt_coordinates( self.start, self.sample_rate, ts_arr.shape[0] ) def _validate_dataframe_input(self, ts_arr): """ Validate pd.DataFrame and pd.Seried objects """ if "data" not in ts_arr.columns: msg = ( "Data frame needs to have a column named `data` " "where the time series data is stored" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if isinstance(type(, type(np.object_)): try: ts_arr["data"] = except ValueError: raise ValueError( "DataFrame dtype is 'object' and cannot convert " "data to float values, check data dtype." ) dt = self._check_pd_index(ts_arr) return ts_arr, dt def _validate_series_input(self, ts_arr): """ Validate pd.DataFrame and pd.Seried objects """ if isinstance(type(ts_arr.dtype), type(np.object_)): try: ts_arr = ts_arr.astype(float) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Series dtype is 'object' and cannot convert " "data to float values, check data dtype." ) dt = self._check_pd_index(ts_arr) return ts_arr, dt @property def ts(self): """Time series as a numpy array""" return @ts.setter def ts(self, ts_arr): """ :param ts_arr: time series array or data array :type ts_arr: numpy.ndarray, pandas.DataFrame, xarray.DataArray .. note:: If setting ts with a pandas dataframe, make sure the data is in a column name 'data'. """ if isinstance(ts_arr, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): if not isinstance(ts_arr, np.ndarray): ts_arr = np.array(ts_arr) # Validate an input array to make sure its 1D if len(ts_arr.shape) == 2: if 1 in ts_arr.shape: ts_arr = ts_arr.reshape(ts_arr.size) else: msg = f"Input array must be 1-D array not {ts_arr.shape}" self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) dt = make_dt_coordinates(self.start, self.sample_rate, ts_arr.size) self.data_array = xr.DataArray( ts_arr, coords=[("time", dt)], name=self.component ) self._update_xarray_metadata() elif isinstance(ts_arr, pd.core.frame.DataFrame): ts_arr, dt = self._validate_dataframe_input(ts_arr) self.data_array = xr.DataArray( ts_arr["data"], coords=[("time", dt)], name=self.component ) self._update_xarray_metadata() elif isinstance(ts_arr, pd.core.series.Series): ts_arr, dt = self._validate_series_input(ts_arr) self.data_array = xr.DataArray( ts_arr.values, coords=[("time", dt)], name=self.component ) self._update_xarray_metadata() elif isinstance(ts_arr, xr.DataArray): # TODO: need to validate the input xarray self.data_array = ts_arr # need to pull out the metadata as a separate dictionary meta_dict = dict([(k, v) for k, v in ts_arr.attrs.items()]) # need to get station and run metadata out survey_dict = {} station_dict = {} run_dict = {} for key in [k for k in meta_dict.keys() if "survey." in k]: survey_dict[key.split("station.")[-1]] = meta_dict.pop(key) for key in [k for k in meta_dict.keys() if "station." in k]: station_dict[key.split("station.")[-1]] = meta_dict.pop(key) for key in [k for k in meta_dict.keys() if "run." in k]: run_dict[key.split("run.")[-1]] = meta_dict.pop(key) self.channel_type = meta_dict["type"] ch_metadata = meta_classes[self.channel_type]() ch_metadata.from_dict({self.channel_type: meta_dict}) self.survey_metadata.from_dict({"survey": survey_dict}) self.station_metadata.from_dict({"station": station_dict}) self.run_metadata.from_dict({"run": run_dict}) self.channel_metadata = ch_metadata # need to run this incase things are different. self._update_xarray_metadata() else: msg = ( "Data type {0} not supported".format(type(ts_arr)) + ", ts needs to be a numpy.ndarray, pandas DataFrame, " + "or xarray.DataArray." ) raise TypeError(msg) @property def time_index(self): """ time index as a numpy array dtype np.datetime[ns] :return: array of the time index :rtype: np.ndarray(dtype=np.datetime[ns]) """ try: return self.data_array.time.to_numpy() except AttributeError: return self.data_array.time.values @property def channel_type(self): """Channel Type""" return self._channel_type @channel_type.setter def channel_type(self, value): """change channel type means changing the metadata type""" value = self._validate_channel_type(value) if value != self._channel_type: m_dict = self.channel_metadata.to_dict(single=True) msg = ( f"Changing metadata from {self.channel_type} to {value}, " "will translate any similar attributes." ) channel_metadata = meta_classes[value]() self.logger.debug(msg) for key in channel_metadata.to_dict(single=True).keys(): # need to skip type otherwise it keeps the same type if key in ["type"]: continue try: channel_metadata.set_attr_from_name(key, m_dict[key]) except KeyError: pass self._channel_type = value self.run_metadata.channels[0] = channel_metadata def _update_xarray_metadata(self): """ Update xarray attrs dictionary with metadata. Here we are assuming that self.channel_metadata is the parent and attrs in xarray are children because all metadata will be validated by :class:`mth5.metadata` class objects. Eventually there should be a way that this is automatic, but I'm not that clever yet. This should be mainly used internally but gives the user a way to update metadata. """ self.logger.debug("Updating xarray attributes") self.channel_metadata.time_period.start = self.start.iso_no_tz self.channel_metadata.time_period.end = self.end.iso_no_tz self.channel_metadata.sample_rate = self.sample_rate self.data_array.attrs.update( self.channel_metadata.to_dict()[self.channel_metadata._class_name] ) # add station and run id's here, for now this is all we need but may need # more metadata down the road. self.data_array.attrs[""] = self.data_array.attrs[""] = = self.component @property def component(self): """component""" return self.channel_metadata.component @component.setter def component(self, comp): """set component in metadata and carry through""" if self.channel_metadata.type == "electric": if comp[0].lower() != "e": msg = ( "The current timeseries is an electric channel. " "Cannot change channel type, create a new ChannelTS object." ) self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) elif self.channel_metadata.type == "magnetic": if comp[0].lower() not in ["h", "b"]: msg = ( "The current timeseries is a magnetic channel. " "Cannot change channel type, create a new ChannelTS object." ) self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if self.channel_metadata.type == "auxiliary": if comp[0].lower() in ["e", "h", "b"]: msg = ( "The current timeseries is an auxiliary channel. " "Cannot change channel type, create a new ChannelTS object." ) self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.channel_metadata.component = comp # need to update the keys in the list dict channels = ListDict() channels.append(self.channel_metadata) if len(self.run_metadata.channels) > 1: for ch in self.run_metadata.channels[1:]: channels.append(ch) self.run_metadata.channels = channels self._update_xarray_metadata() # --> number of samples just to make sure there is consistency @property def n_samples(self): """number of samples""" return int(self.ts.size) @n_samples.setter def n_samples(self, n_samples): """number of samples (int)""" self.logger.warning( "Cannot set the number of samples. Use `ChannelTS.resample` or `get_slice`" )
[docs] def has_data(self): """ check to see if there is an index in the time series """ if > 1: if isinstance( self.data_array.indexes["time"][0], pd._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp, ): return True return False else: return False
# --> sample rate @property def sample_rate(self): """sample rate in samples/second""" if self.has_data(): # this is more accurate for high sample rates, the way # pandas.date_range rounds nanoseconds is not consistent between # samples, therefore taking the median provides better results # if the time series is long this can be inefficient so test first if ( self.data_array.coords.indexes["time"][1] - self.data_array.coords.indexes["time"][0] ).total_seconds() < 1e-4: sr = 1 / ( float( np.median( np.diff(self.data_array.coords.indexes["time"]) ) ) / 1e9 ) else: t_diff = ( self.data_array.coords.indexes["time"][-1] - self.data_array.coords.indexes["time"][0] ) sr = self.data_array.size / t_diff.total_seconds() else: self.logger.debug( "Data has not been set yet, sample rate is from metadata" ) sr = self.channel_metadata.sample_rate if sr is None: sr = 0.0 return np.round(sr, 0) @sample_rate.setter def sample_rate(self, sample_rate): """ sample rate in samples/second :param sample_rate: sample rate in samples per second :type sample_rate: float """ if self.has_data(): self.logger.warning( "Resetting sample_rate assumes same start time and " "same number of samples, resulting in new end time. " "If you want to downsample existing time series " "use the method channelTS.resample()" ) self.logger.debug( f"Resetting sample rate from {self.sample_rate} to {sample_rate}" ) new_dt = make_dt_coordinates( self.start, sample_rate, self.n_samples ) self.data_array.coords["time"] = new_dt else: if self.channel_metadata.sample_rate not in [0.0, None]: self.logger.warning( f"Resetting ChannelTS.channel_metadata.sample_rate to {sample_rate}. " ) self.channel_metadata.sample_rate = sample_rate self._update_xarray_metadata() @property def sample_interval(self): """ Sample interval = 1 / sample_rate :return: sample interval as time distance between time samples :rtype: float """ if self.sample_rate != 0: return 1.0 / self.sample_rate return 0.0 ## set time and set index @property def start(self): """MTime object""" if self.has_data(): return MTime(self.data_array.coords.indexes["time"][0].isoformat()) else: self.logger.debug( "Data not set yet, pulling start time from " "metadata.time_period.start" ) return MTime(self.channel_metadata.time_period.start) @start.setter def start(self, start_time): """ start time of time series in UTC given in some format or a datetime object. Resets epoch seconds if the new value is not equivalent to previous value. Resets how the ts data frame is indexed, setting the starting time to the new start time. :param start_time: start time of time series, can be string or epoch seconds """ if not isinstance(start_time, MTime): start_time = MTime(start_time) self.channel_metadata.time_period.start = start_time.iso_str if self.has_data(): if start_time == MTime( self.data_array.coords.indexes["time"][0].isoformat() ): return else: new_dt = make_dt_coordinates( start_time, self.sample_rate, self.n_samples ) self.data_array.coords["time"] = new_dt # make a time series that the data can be indexed by else: self.logger.debug("No data, just updating metadata start") self._survey_metadata.stations[0].runs[0].update_time_period() self._survey_metadata.stations[0].update_time_period() self._survey_metadata.update_time_period() self._update_xarray_metadata() @property def end(self): """MTime object""" if self.has_data(): return MTime(self.data_array.coords.indexes["time"][-1].isoformat()) else: self.logger.debug( "Data not set yet, pulling end time from metadata.time_period.end" ) return MTime(self.channel_metadata.time_period.end) @end.setter def end(self, end_time): """ end time of time series in UTC given in some format or a datetime object. Resets epoch seconds if the new value is not equivalent to previous value. Resets how the ts data frame is indexed, setting the starting time to the new start time. """ self.logger.warning( "Cannot set `end`. If you want a slice, then use get_slice method" ) @property def channel_response_filter(self): """ Full channel response filter :return: full channel response filter :rtype: :class:`mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.ChannelResponseFilter` """ return self._channel_response @channel_response_filter.setter def channel_response_filter(self, value): """ :param value: channel response filter :type value: :class:`mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.ChannelResponseFilter` """ if value is None: return if not isinstance(value, ChannelResponseFilter): msg = ( "channel response must be a " "mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.ChannelResponseFilter object " f"not {type(value)}." ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) self._channel_response = value # update channel metadata if != value.names: = [] self.channel_metadata.filter.applied = [] for f_name in self._channel_response.names: self.channel_metadata.filter.applied = [False] * len( )
[docs] def remove_instrument_response(self, **kwargs): """ Remove instrument response from the given channel response filter The order of operations is important (if applied): 1) detrend 2) zero mean 3) zero pad 4) time window 5) frequency window 6) remove response 7) undo time window 8) bandpass **kwargs** :param plot: to plot the calibration process [ False | True ] :type plot: boolean, default True :param detrend: Remove linar trend of the time series :type detrend: boolean, default True :param zero_mean: Remove the mean of the time series :type zero_mean: boolean, default True :param zero_pad: pad the time series to the next power of 2 for efficiency :type zero_pad: boolean, default True :param t_window: Time domain windown name see `` for options :type t_window: string, default None :param t_window_params: Time domain window parameters, parameters can be found in `` :type t_window_params: dictionary :param f_window: Frequency domain windown name see `` for options :type f_window: string, defualt None :param f_window_params: Frequency window parameters, parameters can be found in `` :type f_window_params: dictionary :param bandpass: bandpass freequency and order {"low":, "high":, "order":,} :type bandpass: dictionary """ calibrated_ts = ChannelTS() calibrated_ts.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) if is []: self.logger.warning( "No filters to apply to calibrate time series data" ) return calibrated_ts remover = RemoveInstrumentResponse( self.ts, self.time_index, self.sample_interval, self.channel_response_filter, **kwargs, ) calibrated_ts.ts = remover.remove_instrument_response() # change applied booleans calibrated_ts.channel_metadata.filter.applied = [True] * len( self.channel_metadata.filter.applied ) # update units # This is a hack for now until we come up with a standard for # setting up the filter list. Currently it follows the FDSN standard # which has the filter stages starting with physical units to digital # counts. if ( self.channel_response_filter.units_out == self.channel_metadata.units ): calibrated_ts.data_array.attrs[ "units" ] = self.channel_response_filter.units_in calibrated_ts.channel_metadata.units = ( self.channel_response_filter.units_in ) elif ( self.channel_response_filter.units_out == None and self.channel_response_filter.units_out == None ): calibrated_ts.channel_metadata.units = self.channel_metadata.units else: calibrated_ts.data_array.attrs[ "units" ] = self.channel_response_filter.units_in calibrated_ts.channel_metadata.units = ( self.channel_response_filter.units_in ) calibrated_ts._update_xarray_metadata() return calibrated_ts
[docs] def get_slice(self, start, end=None, n_samples=None): """ Get a slice from the time series given a start and end time. Looks for >= start & <= end Uses loc to be exact with milliseconds :param start: start time of the slice :type start: string, MTime :param end: end time of the slice :type end: string, MTime :param n_samples: number of sample to get after start time :type n_samples: integer :return: slice of the channel requested :rtype: ChannelTS """ if n_samples is None and end is None: msg = "Must input either end_time or n_samples." self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if n_samples is not None and end is not None: msg = "Must input either end_time or n_samples, not both." self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(start, MTime): start = MTime(start) if n_samples is not None: n_samples = int(n_samples) end = start + ((n_samples - 1) / self.sample_rate) if end is not None: if not isinstance(end, MTime): end = MTime(end) chunk = self.data_array.indexes["time"].slice_indexer( start=np.datetime64(start.iso_no_tz), end=np.datetime64(end.iso_no_tz), ) new_ts = self.data_array.isel(indexers={"time": chunk}) new_ch_ts = ChannelTS( channel_type=self.channel_type, data=new_ts, survey_metadata=self.survey_metadata, channel_response_filter=self.channel_response_filter, ) return new_ch_ts
# decimate data
[docs] def decimate(self, new_sample_rate, inplace=False, max_decimation=8): """ decimate the data by using scipy.signal.decimate :param dec_factor: decimation factor :type dec_factor: int * refills with decimated data and replaces sample_rate """ sr_list = get_decimation_sample_rates( self.sample_rate, new_sample_rate, max_decimation ) # need to fill nans with 0 otherwise they wipeout the decimation values # and all becomes nan. new_ts = self.data_array.fillna(0) for step_sr in sr_list: new_ts = new_ts.sps_filters.decimate(step_sr) new_ts.attrs["sample_rate"] = new_sample_rate self.channel_metadata.sample_rate = new_ts.attrs["sample_rate"] if inplace: self.ts = new_ts else: new_ts.attrs.update( self.channel_metadata.to_dict()[ self.channel_metadata._class_name ] ) # return new_ts return ChannelTS( self.channel_metadata.type, data=new_ts, metadata=self.channel_metadata, )
[docs] def resample_poly(self, new_sample_rate, pad_type="mean", inplace=False): """ Use scipy.signal.resample_poly to resample data while using an FIR filter to remove aliasing. :param new_sample_rate: DESCRIPTION :type new_sample_rate: TYPE :param pad_type: DESCRIPTION, defaults to "mean" :type pad_type: TYPE, optional :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ # need to fill nans with 0 otherwise they wipeout the decimation values # and all becomes nan. new_ts = self.data_array.fillna(0) new_ts = new_ts.sps_filters.resample_poly( new_sample_rate, pad_type=pad_type ) new_ts.attrs["sample_rate"] = new_sample_rate self.channel_metadata.sample_rate = new_ts.attrs["sample_rate"] if inplace: self.ts = new_ts else: new_ts.attrs.update( self.channel_metadata.to_dict()[ self.channel_metadata._class_name ] ) # return new_ts return ChannelTS( self.channel_metadata.type, data=new_ts, metadata=self.channel_metadata, )
[docs] def merge( self, other, gap_method="slinear", new_sample_rate=None, resample_method="poly", ): """ merg two channels or list of channels together in the following steps 1. xr.combine_by_coords([original, other]) 2. compute monotonic time index 3. reindex(new_time_index, method=gap_method) If you want a different method or more control use merge :param other: Another channel :type other: :class:`mth5.timeseries.ChannelTS` :raises TypeError: If input is not a ChannelTS :raises ValueError: if the components are different :return: Combined channel with monotonic time index and same metadata :rtype: :class:`mth5.timeseries.ChannelTS` """ if new_sample_rate is not None: merge_sample_rate = new_sample_rate if resample_method == "decimate": combine_list = [self.decimate(new_sample_rate).data_array] elif resample_method == "poly": combine_list = [self.resample_poly(new_sample_rate).data_array] else: merge_sample_rate = self.sample_rate combine_list = [self.data_array] if isinstance(other, (list, tuple)): for ch in other: if not isinstance(ch, ChannelTS): raise TypeError( f"Cannot combine {type(ch)} with ChannelTS." ) if self.component != ch.component: raise ValueError( "Cannot combine channels with different components. " f"{self.component} != {ch.component}" ) if new_sample_rate is not None: if resample_method == "decimate": ch = ch.decimate(new_sample_rate) elif resample_method == "poly": ch = ch.resample_poly(new_sample_rate) combine_list.append(ch.data_array) else: if not isinstance(other, ChannelTS): raise TypeError(f"Cannot combine {type(other)} with ChannelTS.") if self.component != other.component: raise ValueError( "Cannot combine channels with different components. " f"{self.component} != {other.component}" ) if new_sample_rate is not None: if resample_method == "decimate": other = other.decimate(new_sample_rate) elif resample_method == "poly": other = other.resample_poly(new_sample_rate) combine_list.append(other.data_array) # combine into a data set use override to keep attrs from original combined_ds = xr.combine_by_coords( combine_list, combine_attrs="override" ) n_samples = ( merge_sample_rate * float( combined_ds.time.max().values - combined_ds.time.min().values ) / 1e9 ) + 1 new_dt_index = make_dt_coordinates( combined_ds.time.min().values, merge_sample_rate, n_samples ) channel_metadata = self.channel_metadata.copy() channel_metadata.sample_rate = merge_sample_rate run_metadata = self.run_metadata.copy() run_metadata.sample_rate = merge_sample_rate new_channel = ChannelTS( channel_type=self.channel_metadata.type, channel_metadata=channel_metadata, run_metadata=self.run_metadata, station_metadata=self.station_metadata, survey_metadata=self.survey_metadata, channel_response_filter=self.channel_response_filter, ) new_channel.data_array = combined_ds.interp( time=new_dt_index, method=gap_method ).to_array() new_channel.channel_metadata.time_period.start = new_channel.start new_channel.channel_metadata.time_period.end = new_channel.end new_channel.run_metadata.update_time_period() new_channel.station_metadata.update_time_period() new_channel.survey_metadata.update_time_period() new_channel._update_xarray_metadata() return new_channel
[docs] def to_xarray(self): """ Returns a :class:`xarray.DataArray` object of the channel timeseries this way metadata from the metadata class is updated upon return. :return: Returns a :class:`xarray.DataArray` object of the channel timeseries this way metadata from the metadata class is updated upon return. :rtype: :class:`xarray.DataArray` >>> import numpy as np >>> from mth5.timeseries import ChannelTS >>> ex = ChannelTS("electric") >>> ex.start = "2020-01-01T12:00:00" >>> ex.sample_rate = 16 >>> ex.ts = np.random.rand(4096) """ self._update_xarray_metadata() return self.data_array
[docs] def to_obspy_trace(self): """ Convert the time series to an :class:`obspy.core.trace.Trace` object. This will be helpful for converting between data pulled from IRIS and data going into IRIS. :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ obspy_trace = Trace(self.ts) = fdsn_tools.make_channel_code( self.channel_metadata ) obspy_trace.stats.starttime = self.start.iso_str obspy_trace.stats.sampling_rate = self.sample_rate if is None: = obspy_trace.stats.station = return obspy_trace
[docs] def from_obspy_trace(self, obspy_trace): """ Fill data from an :class:`obspy.core.Trace` :param obspy.core.trace obspy_trace: Obspy trace object """ if not isinstance(obspy_trace, Trace): msg = f"Input must be obspy.core.Trace, not {type(obspy_trace)}" self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) if[1].lower() in ["e", "q"]: self.channel_type = "electric" measurement = "electric" elif[1].lower() in ["h", "b", "f"]: self.channel_type = "magnetic" measurement = "magnetic" else: try: measurement = fdsn_tools.measurement_code_dict_reverse[[1] ] except KeyError: measurement = "auxiliary" self.channel_type = "auxiliary" mt_code = fdsn_tools.make_mt_channel( fdsn_tools.read_channel_code( ) self.channel_metadata.component = mt_code self.channel_metadata.type = measurement self.start = obspy_trace.stats.starttime.isoformat() self.sample_rate = obspy_trace.stats.sampling_rate = obspy_trace.stats.station = = obspy_trace.stats.station self.channel_metadata.units = "counts" self.ts = = f"sr{int(self.sample_rate)}_001"
[docs] def plot(self): """ Simple plot of the data :return: figure object :rtype: matplotlib.figure """ return self.data_array.plot()
[docs] def welch_spectra(self, window_length=2**12, **kwargs): """ get welch spectra :param window_length: DESCRIPTION :type window_length: TYPE :param **kwargs: DESCRIPTION :type **kwargs: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ plot_frequency, power = signal.welch( self.ts, fs=self.sample_rate, nperseg=window_length, **kwargs ) return plot_frequency, power
[docs] def plot_spectra( self, spectra_type="welch", window_length=2**12, **kwargs ): """ :param spectra_type: spectra type, defaults to "welch" :type spectra_type: string, optional :param window_length: window length of the welch method should be a power of 2, defaults to 2 ** 12 :type window_length: int, optional :param **kwargs: DESCRIPTION :type **kwargs: TYPE """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if spectra_type == "welch": plot_frequency, power = self.welch_spectra( window_length=window_length, **kwargs ) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.loglog(1.0 / plot_frequency, power, lw=1.5) ax.set_xlabel("Period (s)", fontdict={"size": 10, "weight": "bold"}) ax.set_ylabel("Power (dB)", fontdict={"size": 10, "weight": "bold"}) ax.axis("tight") ax.grid(which="both") ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.loglog(plot_frequency, power, lw=0) ax2.set_xlabel( "Frequency (Hz)", fontdict={"size": 10, "weight": "bold"} ) ax2.set_xlim([1 / cc for cc in ax.get_xlim()])