Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Zen Header

    * Tools for reading and writing files for Zen and processing software
    * Tools for copying data from SD cards
    * Tools for copying schedules to SD cards
Created on Tue Jun 11 10:53:23 2013
Updated August 2020 (JP)

    Jared Peacock (



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import numpy as np
from loguru import logger

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[docs]class Z3DHeader: """ Read in the header information of a Z3D file and make each metadata entry an attirbute. :param fn: full path to Z3D file :type fn: string or :class:`pathlib.Path` :param fid: file object ex. open(Z3Dfile, 'rb') :type fid: file ======================== ================================================== Attributes Definition ======================== ================================================== _header_len lenght of header in bits (512) ad_gain gain of channel ad_rate sampling rate in Hz alt altitude of the station (not reliable) attenchannelsmask not sure box_number ZEN box number box_serial ZEN box serial number channel channel number of the file channelserial serial number of the channel board duty duty cycle of the transmitter fpga_buildnum build number of one of the boards gpsweek GPS week header_str full header string lat latitude of station logterminal not sure long longitude of the station main_hex_buildnum build number of the ZEN box in hexidecimal numsats number of gps satelites period period of the transmitter tx_duty transmitter duty cycle tx_freq transmitter frequency version version of the firmware ======================== ================================================== :Example: >>> import mtpy.usgs.zen as zen >>> Z3Dfn = r"/home/mt/mt01/mt01_20150522_080000_256_EX.Z3D" >>> header_obj = zen.Z3DHeader() >>> header_obj.read_header() """ def __init__(self, fn=None, fid=None, **kwargs): self.logger = logger self.fn = fn self.fid = fid self.header_str = None self._header_len = 512 self.ad_gain = None self.ad_rate = None self.alt = None self.attenchannelsmask = None self.box_number = None self.box_serial = None = None self.channelserial = None self.duty = None self.fpga_buildnum = None self.gpsweek = 1740 = None self.logterminal = None self.long = None self.main_hex_buildnum = None self.numsats = None self.period = None self.tx_duty = None self.tx_freq = None self.version = None self.old_version = False self.ch_factor = 9.536743164062e-10 self.channelgain = 1.0 for key in kwargs: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) @property def data_logger(self): """Data logger name as ZEN{box_number}""" return f"ZEN{int(self.box_number):03}"
[docs] def read_header(self, fn=None, fid=None): """ Read the header information into appropriate attributes :param fn: full path to Z3D file :type fn: string or :class:`pathlib.Path` :param fid: file object ex. open(Z3Dfile, 'rb') :type fid: file :Example: >>> import mtpy.usgs.zen as zen >>> Z3Dfn = r"/home/mt/mt01/mt01_20150522_080000_256_EX.Z3D" >>> header_obj = zen.Z3DHeader() >>> header_obj.read_header() """ if fn is not None: self.fn = fn if fid is not None: self.fid = fid if self.fn is None and self.fid is None: self.logger.warning("No Z3D file to read.") elif self.fn is None: if self.fid is not None: self.header_str = elif self.fn is not None: if self.fid is None: self.fid = open(self.fn, "rb") self.header_str = else: self.header_str = header_list = self.header_str.split(b"\n") for h_str in header_list: h_str = h_str.decode() if h_str.find("=") > 0: h_list = h_str.split("=") h_key = h_list[0].strip().lower() h_key = h_key.replace(" ", "_").replace("/", "").replace(".", "_") h_value = self.convert_value(h_key, h_list[1].strip()) setattr(self, h_key, h_value) elif len(h_str) == 0: continue # need to adjust for older versions of z3d files elif h_str.count(",") > 1: self.old_version = True if h_str.find("Schedule") >= 0: h_str = h_str.replace(",", "T", 1) for hh in h_str.split(","): if hh.find(";") > 0: m_key, m_value = hh.split(";")[1].split(":") elif len(hh.split(":", 1)) == 2: m_key, m_value = hh.split(":", 1) else: self.logger.warning("found %s", hh) m_key = ( m_key.strip() .lower() .replace(" ", "_") .replace("/", "") .replace(".", "_") ) m_value = self.convert_value(m_key, m_value.strip()) setattr(self, m_key, m_value)
[docs] def convert_value(self, key_string, value_string): """ convert the value to the appropriate units given the key """ try: return_value = float(value_string) except ValueError: return_value = value_string if key_string.lower() in ["lat", "lon", "long"]: return_value = np.rad2deg(float(value_string)) if "lat" in key_string.lower(): if abs(return_value) > 90: return_value = 0.0 elif "lon" in key_string.lower(): if abs(return_value) > 180: return_value = 0.0 return return_value