Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Aug 27 16:54:09 2020

:author: Jared Peacock

:license: MIT


# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import json
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
from loguru import logger

from mt_metadata.timeseries import Magnetic, Electric, Run, Station, Survey

# =============================================================================
#  Metadata for usgs ascii file
# =============================================================================

[docs]class AsciiMetadata: """ Container for all the important metadata in a USGS ascii file. ========================= ================================================= Attributes Description ========================= ================================================= survey_id Survey name site_id Site name run_id Run number site_latitude Site latitude in decimal degrees WGS84 site_longitude Site longitude in decimal degrees WGS84 site_elevation Site elevation according to national map meters start Start time of station YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC end Stop time of station YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC sample_rate Sampling rate samples/second n_samples Number of samples n_channels Number of channels coordinate_system [ Geographic North | Geomagnetic North ] chn_settings Channel settings, see below missing_data_flag Missing data value ========================= ================================================= :chn_settings: ========================= ================================================= Keys Description ========================= ================================================= ChnNum site_id+channel number ChnID Component [ ex | ey | hx | hy | hz ] InstrumentID Data logger + sensor number Azimuth Setup angle of componet in degrees relative to coordinate_system Dipole_Length Dipole length in meters ========================= ================================================= """ def __init__(self, fn=None, **kwargs): self.logger = logger self.fn = fn self.missing_data_flag = np.NaN self.coordinate_system = None self._metadata_len = 30 self._survey_metadata = Survey() self._station_metadata = Station() self._run_metadata = Run() self.ex_metadata = Electric(component="ex") self.ey_metadata = Electric(component="ey") self.hx_metadata = Magnetic(component="hx") self.hy_metadata = Magnetic(component="hy") self.hz_metadata = Magnetic(component="hz") self.channel_order = ["hx", "ex", "hy", "ey", "hz"] self.national_map_url = r"{0:.5f}&y={1:.5f}&units=Meters&wkid=4326&includeDate=False" self._key_dict = OrderedDict( **{ "SurveyID": "survey_id", "SiteID": "site_id", "RunID": "run_id", "SiteLatitude": "latitude", "SiteLongitude": "longitude", "SiteElevation": "elevation", "AcqStartTime": "start", "AcqStopTime": "end", "AcqSmpFreq": "sample_rate", "AcqNumSmp": "n_samples", "Nchan": "n_channels", "Channel coordinates relative to geographic north": "", "ChnSettings": "", "MissingDataFlag": "missing_data_flag", "DataSet": "data_set", } ) self._chn_dict = OrderedDict( **{ "ChnNum": "channel_number", "ChnID": "component", "InstrumentID": "", "Azimuth": "measurement_azimuth", "Dipole_Length": "dipole_length", } ) self._chn_fmt = { "ChnNum": "<8", "ChnID": "<6", "InstrumentID": "<12", "Azimuth": ">7.1f", "Dipole_Length": ">14.1f", } for key in kwargs.keys(): setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) def __str__(self): return "\n".join(self.write_metadata()) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property def fn(self): return self._fn @fn.setter def fn(self, value): if value is not None: self._fn = Path(value) else: self._fn = None @property def file_size(self): if self.fn is not None: if self.fn.exists(): return self.fn.stat().st_size @property def survey_id(self): return @survey_id.setter def survey_id(self, value): = value @property def run_id(self): return @run_id.setter def run_id(self, value): = value @property def site_id(self): return @site_id.setter def site_id(self, station): = station @property def latitude(self): return self._station_metadata.location.latitude @latitude.setter def latitude(self, lat): self._station_metadata.location.latitude = lat @property def longitude(self): return self._station_metadata.location.longitude @longitude.setter def longitude(self, lon): self._station_metadata.location.longitude = lon @property def elevation(self): """ get elevation from national map """ # the url for national map elevation query nm_url = Request(self.national_map_url.format(self.longitude, self.latitude)) # call the url and get the response try: response = urlopen(nm_url) except HTTPError: self.logger.error("could not connect to get elevation from national map.") self.logger.debug(nm_url.format(self.longitude, self.latitude)) return self.station_metadata.location.elevation # read the xml response and convert to a float info = json.loads( try: nm_elev = round(float(info["value"]), 1) except ValueError: self.logger.warning( "could not read elevation from national map url. Setting to 0" ) nm_elev = 0 return nm_elev @elevation.setter def elevation(self, value): self.station_metadata.location.elevation = value @property def start(self): return self._station_metadata.time_period.start @start.setter def start(self, time_string): self.station_metadata.time_period.start = time_string @property def end(self): return self._station_metadata.time_period.end @end.setter def end(self, time_string): self._station_metadata.time_period.end = time_string @property def n_channels(self): return self._chn_num @n_channels.setter def n_channels(self, n_channel): try: self._chn_num = int(n_channel) except ValueError: self.logger.warning(f"{n_channel} is not a number, setting n_channels to 0") @property def sample_rate(self): return self._run_metadata.sample_rate @sample_rate.setter def sample_rate(self, df): self._run_metadata.sample_rate = float(df) @property def n_samples(self): return self._n_samples @n_samples.setter def n_samples(self, n_samples): self._n_samples = int(n_samples) @property def survey_metadata(self): return self._survey_metadata @survey_metadata.setter def survey_metadata(self, value): if isinstance(value, Survey): self._survey_metadata.update(value) else: raise TypeError("Input must be a mt_metadata.timeseries.Survey instance") @property def station_metadata(self): return self._station_metadata @station_metadata.setter def station_metadata(self, value): if isinstance(value, Station): self._station_metadata.update(value) else: raise TypeError("Input must be a mt_metadata.timeseries.Station instance") @property def run_metadata(self): return self._run_metadata @run_metadata.setter def run_metadata(self, value): if isinstance(value, Run): self._run_metadata.update(value) else: raise TypeError("Input must be a mt_metadata.timeseries.Run instance")
[docs] def get_component_info(self, comp): """ :param comp: DESCRIPTION :type comp: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ for key, kdict in self.channel_dict.items(): if kdict["ChnID"].lower() == comp.lower(): return kdict return None
[docs] def read_metadata(self, fn=None, meta_lines=None): """ Read in a meta from the raw string or file. Populate all metadata as attributes. :param fn: full path to USGS ascii file :type fn: string :param meta_lines: lines of metadata to read :type meta_lines: list """ chn_find = False if fn is not None: self.fn = fn if self.fn is not None: with"r") as fid: meta_lines = [fid.readline() for ii in range(self._metadata_len)] for ii, line in enumerate(meta_lines): if "DataSet" in line: break if line.find(":") > 0: key, value = line.strip().split(":", 1) value = value.strip() if len(value) < 1: chn_find = True continue attr = self._key_dict[key] setattr(self, attr, value) elif "coordinate" in line: self.coordinate_system = " ".join(line.strip().split()[-2:]) else: if chn_find is True: if "chnnum" in line.lower(): ch_keys = dict( [(kk, ii) for ii, kk in enumerate(line.strip().split())] ) else: line_list = line.strip().split() if len(line_list) == len(ch_keys.keys()): ch = getattr( self, f"{line_list[ch_keys['ChnID']].lower()}_metadata", ) ch.channel_number = line_list[ch_keys["ChnNum"]] ch.measurement_azimuth = line_list[ch_keys["Azimuth"]] if ch.type in ["electric"]: ch.dipole_length = line_list[ch_keys["Dipole_Length"]] else: = line_list[ch_keys["InstrumentID"]] = line_list[ ch_keys["InstrumentID"] ] ch.time_period.start = self.start ch.time_period.end = self.end ch.sample_rate = self.sample_rate self._run_metadata.add_channel(ch) else: self.logger.warning("Not sure what line this is") self._run_metadata.time_period.start = self.start self._run_metadata.time_period.end = self.end self._run_metadata.sample_rate = self.sample_rate self._station_metadata.add_run(self.run_metadata) return ii + 1
[docs] def write_metadata(self, chn_list=["Ex", "Ey", "Hx", "Hy", "Hz"]): """ Write out metadata in the format of USGS ascii. :return: list of metadate lines. .. note:: meant to use '\n'.join(lines) to write out in a file. """ lines = [] for key, attr in self._key_dict.items(): if key in ["ChnSettings"]: lines.append("{0}:".format(key)) lines.append(" ".join(self._chn_dict.keys())) for chn_key in self.channel_order: chn_line = [] ch = getattr(self, f"{chn_key}_metadata") for comp_key, comp_attr in self._chn_dict.items(): try: value = ch.get_attr_from_name(comp_attr) if value is None: value = except AttributeError: value = 0 chn_line.append(f"{value:{self._chn_fmt[comp_key]}}") lines.append("".join(chn_line)) elif key in ["DataSet"]: lines.append("{0}:".format(key)) return lines else: try: value = getattr(self, attr) lines.append(f"{key}: {value}") except AttributeError: lines.append(f"{key}") return lines