Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to read and parse native Phoenix Geophysics data formats of the 
MTU-5C Family.

This module implements Streamed readers for decimated continuos time series
formats of the MTU-5C family.

:author: Jorge Torres-Solis

Revised 2022 by J. Peacock 

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# Imports
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import numpy as np

from import TSReaderBase
from mth5.timeseries import ChannelTS
from mt_metadata.utils.mttime import MTime

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[docs]class DecimatedContinuousReader(TSReaderBase): """ Class to create a streamer for continuous decimated time series, i.e. 'td_150', 'td_30' These files have no sub header information. """ def __init__(self, path, num_files=1, report_hw_sat=False, **kwargs): # Init the base class super().__init__( path, num_files=num_files, header_length=128, report_hw_sat=report_hw_sat, **kwargs, ) self._channel_metadata = self._update_channel_metadata_from_recmeta() self.subheader = {} self._sequence_start = self.segment_start_time self.data_size = None @property def segment_start_time(self): """ estimate the segment start time based on sequence number The first sequence starts 1 second later than the set start time due to initiation within the data logger :return: start time of the recording :rtype: :class:`mt_metadata.utils.mttime.MTime` """ if self.file_sequence == 1: return self.recording_start_time + 1 else: return self.recording_start_time + ( self.frag_period * (self.file_sequence - 1) ) @property def segment_end_time(self): """ estimate end time The first sequence starts 1 second later than the set start time due to initiation within the data logger :return: estimated end time from number of samples :rtype: :class:`mt_metadata.utils.mttime.MTime` """ return self.segment_start_time + (self.max_samples / self.sample_rate) @property def sequence_start(self): return self._sequence_start @sequence_start.setter def sequence_start(self, value): self._sequence_start = MTime(value) @property def sequence_end(self): if self.data_size is not None: return self.sequence_start + self.data_size / self.sample_rate else: return self.sequence_start + self.max_sample / self.sample_rate # need a read and read sequence
[docs] def read(self): """ Read in the full data from the file given. :return: single channel data array :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return np.fromfile(, dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def read_sequence(self, start=0, end=None): """ Read a sequence of files :param start: starting index in the sequence, defaults to 0 :type start: integer, optional :param end: eneding index in the sequence to read, defaults to None :type end: integer, optional :return: data within the given sequence range :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ data = np.array([], dtype=np.float32) for ii, fn in enumerate(self.sequence_list[slice(start, end)], start): self._open_file(fn) self.unpack_header( if ii == start: self.sequence_start = self.segment_start_time ts = data = np.append(data, ts) self.seq = ii self.logger.debug(f"Read {self.seq + 1} sequences") self.data_size = data.size return data
[docs] def to_channel_ts(self, rxcal_fn=None, scal_fn=None): """ convert to a ChannelTS object :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ data = self.read_sequence() # need to update the start and end times here self._channel_metadata.time_period.start = self.sequence_start self._channel_metadata.time_period.end = self.sequence_end return ChannelTS( channel_type=self.channel_metadata.type, data=data, channel_metadata=self.channel_metadata, run_metadata=self.run_metadata, station_metadata=self.station_metadata, channel_response_filter=self.get_channel_response_filter( rxcal_fn=rxcal_fn, scal_fn=scal_fn ), )