Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Phoenix file collection

Created on Thu Aug  4 16:48:47 2022

@author: jpeacock

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# Imports
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from pathlib import Path
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import open_phoenix, PhoenixReceiverMetadata
from import Collection

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[docs]class PhoenixCollection(Collection): """ A class to collect the various files in a Phoenix file system and try to organize them into runs. """ def __init__(self, file_path=None, **kwargs): self._file_extension_map = { 30: "td_30", 150: "td_150", 2400: "td_2400", 24000: "td_24k", 96000: "td_96k", } self._default_channel_map = { 0: "E1", 1: "H3", 2: "H2", 3: "H1", 4: "H4", 5: "H5", 6: "H6", 7: "E2", } super().__init__(file_path=file_path, **kwargs) self.metadata_dict = {} self._receiver_metadata_name = "recmeta.json" def _read_receiver_metadata_json(self, rec_fn): """ read in metadata information from receiver metadata file into an `ReceiverMetadataJSON` object. :return: Receiver metadata :rtype: :class:`ReceiverMetadataJSON` """ if Path(rec_fn).is_file(): return PhoenixReceiverMetadata(fn=rec_fn) else: self.logger.warning( f"Could not fine {self._receiver_metadata_name} in {self.file_path}" ) return None def _locate_station_folders(self): """ Locate the station folder, the one that has the recmeta.json in it :param folder: DESCRIPTION :type folder: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ station_folders = [] for folder in self.file_path.rglob("**/"): rec_fn = folder.joinpath("recmeta.json") if rec_fn.exists(): station_folders.append(folder) return station_folders
[docs] def to_dataframe( self, sample_rates=[150, 24000], run_name_zeros=4, calibration_path=None, ): """ Get a dataframe of all the files in a given directory with given columns. Loop over station folders. :param sample_rates: list of sample rates to read, defaults to [150, 24000] :type sample_rates: list of integers, optional :param run_name_zeros: Number of zeros in the run name, defaults to 4 :type run_name_zeros: integer, optional :return: Dataframe with each row representing a single file :rtype: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ if not isinstance(sample_rates, (list, tuple)): sample_rates = [sample_rates] station_folders = self._locate_station_folders() entries = [] for folder in station_folders: rec_fn = folder.joinpath(self._receiver_metadata_name) receiver_metadata = self._read_receiver_metadata_json(rec_fn) self.metadata_dict[ ] = receiver_metadata for sr in sample_rates: for fn in folder.rglob(f"*{self._file_extension_map[int(sr)]}"): try: phx_obj = open_phoenix(fn) except OSError: self.logger.warning(f"Skipping {}") continue if hasattr(phx_obj, "read_segment"): segment = phx_obj.read_segment(metadata_only=True) try: start = segment.segment_start_time.isoformat() except IOError: self.logger.warning( f"Could not read file {fn}, SKIPPING" ) continue end = segment.segment_end_time.isoformat() n_samples = segment.n_samples else: start = phx_obj.segment_start_time.isoformat() end = phx_obj.segment_end_time.isoformat() n_samples = phx_obj.max_samples entry = self.get_empty_entry_dict() entry["survey"] = entry["station"] = entry["run"] = (None,) entry["start"] = start entry["end"] = end entry["channel_id"] = phx_obj.channel_id entry["component"] = receiver_metadata.channel_map[ phx_obj.channel_id ] entry["fn"] = fn entry["sample_rate"] = phx_obj.sample_rate entry["file_size"] = phx_obj.file_size entry["n_samples"] = n_samples entry["sequence_number"] = phx_obj.seq entry["instrument_id"] = phx_obj.recording_id entry["calibration_fn"] = None entries.append(entry) df = self._sort_df( self._set_df_dtypes(pd.DataFrame(entries)), run_name_zeros ) return df
[docs] def assign_run_names(self, df, zeros=4): """ Assign run names by looping through start times. For continous data a single run is assigned as long as the start and end times of each file align. If there is a break a new run name is assigned. For segmented data a new run name is assigned to each segment :param df: Dataframe returned by `to_dataframe` method :type df: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :param zeros: Number of zeros in the run name, defaults to 4 :type zeros: integer, optional :return: Dataframe with run names :rtype: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ rdf = df.copy() sample_rates = rdf.sample_rate.unique() for station in df.station.unique(): for sr in sample_rates: run_stem = self._file_extension_map[int(sr)].split("_")[-1] # continuous data if sr < 1000: sdf = rdf.loc[ (rdf.station == station) & (rdf.sample_rate == sr) ].sort_values("sequence_number") starts = np.sort( sdf.loc[sdf.sample_rate == sr].start.unique() ) ends = np.sort(sdf.loc[sdf.sample_rate == sr].end.unique()) # find any breaks in the data diff = ends[0:-1] - starts[1:] diff = diff.astype("timedelta64[s]").astype(float) breaks = np.nonzero(diff)[0] # this logic probably needs some work. Need to figure # out how to set pandas values count = 1 if len(breaks) > 0: start_breaks = starts[breaks] for ii in range(len(start_breaks)): count += 1 rdf.loc[ (rdf.station == station) & (rdf.start == start_breaks[ii]) & (rdf.sample_rate == sr), "run", ] = f"sr{run_stem}_{count:0{zeros}}" else: rdf.loc[ (rdf.station == station) & (rdf.sample_rate == sr), "run", ] = f"sr{run_stem}_{count:0{zeros}}" # segmented data else: starts = rdf.loc[ (rdf.station == station) & (rdf.sample_rate == sr), "start", ].unique() for ii, s in enumerate(starts, 1): rdf.loc[ (rdf.start == s) & (rdf.sample_rate == sr), "run" ] = f"sr{run_stem}_{ii:0{zeros}}" return rdf
[docs] def get_runs( self, sample_rates, run_name_zeros=4, calibration_path=None, ): """ Get a list of runs contained within the given folder. First the dataframe will be developed from which the runs are extracted. For continous data all you need is the first file in the sequence. The reader will read in the entire sequence. For segmented data it will only read in the given segment, which is slightly different from the original reader. :param sample_rates: list of sample rates to read, defaults to [150, 24000] :param run_name_zeros: Number of zeros in the run name, defaults to 4 :type run_name_zeros: integer, optional :return: List of run dataframes with only the first block of files :rtype: OrderedDict :Example: >>> from import PhoenixCollection >>> phx_collection = PhoenixCollection(r"/path/to/station") >>> run_dict = phx_collection.get_runs(sample_rates=[150, 24000]) """ df = self.to_dataframe( sample_rates=sample_rates, run_name_zeros=run_name_zeros, calibration_path=calibration_path, ) run_dict = OrderedDict() for station in sorted(df.station.unique()): run_dict[station] = OrderedDict() for run_id in sorted( df[df.station == station].run.unique(), key=lambda x: x[-run_name_zeros:], ): run_df = df[(df.station == station) & ( == run_id)] run_dict[station][run_id] = run_df[ run_df.start == run_df.start.min() ] return run_dict