Source code for mth5.groups.fourier_coefficients

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Feb 24 12:49:32 2023

@author: jpeacock

# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import h5py

from mth5.groups import BaseGroup, FCChannelDataset
from mth5.helpers import validate_name
from mth5.utils.exceptions import MTH5Error

from mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.fourier_coefficients import (

# =============================================================================
"""fc -> FCMasterGroup -> FCGroup -> DecimationLevelGroup -> ChannelGroup -> FCChannelDataset"""

[docs]class MasterFCGroup(BaseGroup): """ Master group to hold various Fourier coefficient estimations of time series data. No metadata needed as of yet. """ def __init__(self, group, **kwargs): super().__init__(group, **kwargs) @property def fc_summary(self): """ Summar of fourier coefficients :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ pass
[docs] def add_fc_group(self, fc_name, fc_metadata=None): """ Add a Fourier Coefficent group :param fc_name: DESCRIPTION :type fc_name: TYPE :param fc_metadata: DESCRIPTION, defaults to None :type fc_metadata: TYPE, optional :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ return self._add_group(fc_name, FCGroup, group_metadata=fc_metadata, match="id")
[docs] def get_fc_group(self, fc_name): """ Get Fourier Coefficient group :param fc_name: DESCRIPTION :type fc_name: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ return self._get_group(fc_name, FCGroup)
[docs] def remove_fc_group(self, fc_name): """ Remove an FC group :param fc_name: DESCRIPTION :type fc_name: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._remove_group(fc_name)
[docs]class FCGroup(BaseGroup): """ Holds a set of Fourier Coefficients based on a single set of configuration parameters. .. note:: Must be calibrated FCs. Otherwise weird things will happen, can always rerun the FC estimation if the metadata changes. Metadata should include: - list of decimation levels - start time (earliest) - end time (latest) - method (fft, wavelet, ...) - list of channels (all inclusive) - list of acquistion runs (maybe) - starting sample rate """ def __init__(self, group, decimation_level_metadata=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(group, group_metadata=decimation_level_metadata, **kwargs) @BaseGroup.metadata.getter def metadata(self): """Overwrite get metadata to include channel information in the runs""" self._metadata.channels = [] for dl in self.groups_list: dl_group = self.get_decimation_level(dl) self._metadata.levels.append(dl_group.metadata) self._metadata.hdf5_reference = self.hdf5_group.ref return self._metadata @property def decimation_level_summary(self): """ summary of channels in run :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ ch_list = [] for key, group in self.hdf5_group.items(): try: ch_type = group.attrs["mth5_type"] if ch_type in ["FCDecimation"]: ch_list.append( ( group.attrs["decimation_level"], group.attrs["time_period.start"].split("+")[0], group.attrs["time_period.end"].split("+")[0], group.ref, ) ) except KeyError as error: self.logger.debug(f"Could not find key: {error}") ch_summary = np.array( ch_list, dtype=np.dtype( [ ("component", "U20"), ("start", "datetime64[ns]"), ("end", "datetime64[ns]"), ("hdf5_reference", h5py.ref_dtype), ] ), ) return pd.DataFrame(ch_summary)
[docs] def add_decimation_level( self, decimation_level_name, decimation_level_metadata=None ): """ add a Decimation level :param decimation_level_name: DESCRIPTION :type decimation_level_name: TYPE :param decimation_level_metadata: DESCRIPTION, defaults to None :type decimation_level_metadata: TYPE, optional :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ return self._add_group( decimation_level_name, FCDecimationGroup, group_metadata=decimation_level_metadata, match="decimation_level", )
[docs] def get_decimation_level(self, decimation_level_name): """ Get a Decimation Level :param decimation_level_name: DESCRIPTION :type decimation_level_name: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ return self._get_group(decimation_level_name, FCDecimationGroup)
[docs] def remove_decimation_level(self, decimation_level_name): """ Remove decimation level :param decimation_level_name: DESCRIPTION :type decimation_level_name: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._remove_group(decimation_level_name)
[docs] def update_metadata(self): """ update metadata from channels :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ decimation_level_summary = self.decimation_level_summary.copy() if not decimation_level_summary.empty: self._metadata.time_period.start = ( decimation_level_summary.start.min().isoformat() ) self._metadata.time_period.end = ( decimation_level_summary.end.max().isoformat() ) self.write_metadata()
[docs] def supports_aurora_processing_config(self, processing_config, remote): """ This is an "all-or-nothing" check: Either every (valid) decimation level in the processing config is available or we will build all FCs. Parameters ---------- processing_config: aurora.config.metadata.processing.Processing remote: bool Returns ------- """ fc_decimation_ids_to_check = self.groups_list levels_present = np.full(processing_config.num_decimation_levels, False) for i, dec_level in enumerate(processing_config.decimations): # All or nothing condition if (i > 0): if not levels_present[i - 1]: return False # iterate over fc_group decimations for fc_decimation_id in fc_decimation_ids_to_check: fc_dec_group = self.get_decimation_level(fc_decimation_id) fc_decimation = fc_dec_group.metadata levels_present[i] = fc_decimation.has_fcs_for_aurora_processing(dec_level, remote) if levels_present[i]: fc_decimation_ids_to_check.remove(fc_decimation_id) # no need to look at this one again break # break inner for-loop over decimations return levels_present.all()
[docs]class FCDecimationGroup(BaseGroup): """ Holds a single decimation level Attributes - start time - end time - channels (list) - decimation factor - decimation level - decimation sample rate - method (FFT, wavelet, ...) - anti alias filter - prewhitening type - extra_pre_fft_detrend_type - recoloring (True | False) - harmonics_kept (index values of harmonics kept (list) | 'all') - window parameters - length - overlap - type - type parameters - window sample rate (method or property) - [optional] masking or weighting information """ def __init__(self, group, decimation_level_metadata=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(group, group_metadata=decimation_level_metadata, **kwargs) @BaseGroup.metadata.getter def metadata(self): """Overwrite get metadata to include channel information in the runs""" self._metadata.channels = [] for ch in self.groups_list: ch_group = self.get_channel(ch) self._metadata.channels.append(ch_group.metadata) self._metadata.hdf5_reference = self.hdf5_group.ref return self._metadata @property def channel_summary(self): """ summary of channels in run :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ ch_list = [] for key, group in self.hdf5_group.items(): try: ch_type = group.attrs["mth5_type"] if ch_type in ["FCChannel"]: ch_list.append( ( group.attrs["component"], group.attrs["time_period.start"].split("+")[0], group.attrs["time_period.end"].split("+")[0], group.shape[0], group.shape[1], group.attrs["sample_rate_decimation_level"], group.attrs["sample_rate_window_step"], group.attrs["units"], group.ref, ) ) except KeyError as error: self.logger.debug(f"Cannot find a key: {error}") ch_summary = np.array( ch_list, dtype=np.dtype( [ ("component", "U20"), ("start", "datetime64[ns]"), ("end", "datetime64[ns]"), ("n_frequency", np.int64), ("n_windows", np.int64), ("sample_rate_decimation_level", np.float64), ("sample_rate_window_step", np.float64), ("units", "U25"), ("hdf5_reference", h5py.ref_dtype), ] ), ) return pd.DataFrame(ch_summary)
[docs] def from_dataframe( self, df, channel_key, time_key="time", frequency_key="frequency" ): """ assumes channel_key is the coefficient values :param df: DESCRIPTION :type df: TYPE :param channel_key: DESCRIPTION :type channel_key: TYPE :param time_key: DESCRIPTION, defaults to "time" :type time_key: TYPE, optional :param frequency_key: DESCRIPTION, defaults to "frequency" :type frequency_key: TYPE, optional :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): msg = f"Must input a pandas dataframe not {type(df)}" self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) for col in df.columns: df[col] = np.complex128(df[col]) xrds = df[col].to_xarray() self.add_channel(col, fc_data=xrds.to_numpy())
[docs] def from_xarray(self, data_array): """ can input a dataarray or dataset :param data_array: DESCRIPTION :type data_array: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if not isinstance(data_array, (xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray)): msg = f"Must input a xarray Dataset or DataArray not {type(data_array)}" self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) ch_metadata = Channel() ch_metadata.time_period.start = data_array.time[0].values ch_metadata.time_period.end = data_array.time[-1].values ch_metadata.sample_rate_decimation_level = ( data_array.coords["frequency"].values.max() * 2 ) ch_metadata.sample_rate_window_step = np.median( np.diff(data_array.coords["time"].values) ) / np.timedelta64(1, "s") try: ch_metadata.units = data_array.units except AttributeError: self.logger.debug("Could not find 'units' in xarray") if isinstance(data_array, xr.DataArray): self.add_channel(, fc_data=data_array.to_numpy(), fc_metadata=ch_metadata, ) else: for ch in data_array.data_vars.keys(): ch_metadata.component = ch # time index should be the first index if data_array[ch].time.size == data_array[ch].shape[0]: self.add_channel( ch, fc_data=data_array[ch].to_numpy(), fc_metadata=ch_metadata, ) elif data_array[ch].time.size == data_array[ch].shape[1]: self.add_channel( ch, fc_data=data_array[ch].to_numpy().T, fc_metadata=ch_metadata, )
[docs] def to_xarray(self, channels=None): """ create an xarray dataset from the desired channels. If none grabs all channels in the decimation level. :param channels: DESCRIPTION, defaults to None :type channels: TYPE, optional :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if channels is None: channels = self.groups_list ch_dict = {} for ch in channels: ch_ds = self.get_channel(ch) ch_dict[ch] = ch_ds.to_xarray() return xr.Dataset(ch_dict)
[docs] def from_numpy_array(self, nd_array, ch_name): """ assumes shape of (n_frequencies, n_windows) or (n_channels, n_frequencies, n_windows) :param nd_array: DESCRIPTION :type nd_array: TYPE :param ch_name: name of channel(s) :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if not isinstance(nd_array, (np.nd_array)): msg = f"Must input a numpy ndarray not {type(nd_array)}" self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) if len(nd_array.shape[0]) == 3: for index, ch in zip(nd_array.shape[0], ch_name): self.add_channel(ch, fc_data=nd_array[index]) elif len(nd_array.shape) == 2: self.add_channel(ch_name, fc_data=nd_array) else: raise ValueError("input array must be shaped (n_frequencies, n_windows)")
[docs] def add_channel( self, fc_name, fc_data=None, fc_metadata=None, max_shape=(None, None), chunks=True, **kwargs, ): """ Add a set of Fourier coefficients for a single channel at a single decimation level for a processing run. - time - frequency [ integer as harmonic index or float ] - fc (complex) The input can be * a numpy array where the index values for the time, frequency, and coefficients are supplied in channel_key, frequency_key, channel_key as integer values. * a numpy structured array, dataframe, or xarray dataset or dataarray where the channel_key if not supplied is assumed to the same as the fc_name. haven't fully tested dataframe or xarray yet. Weights should be a separate data set as a 1D array along with matching index as fcs. - weight_channel (maybe) - weight_band (maybe) - weight_time (maybe) :param fc_datastet_name: DESCRIPTION :type fc_datastet_name: TYPE :param fc_dataset_metadata: DESCRIPTION, defaults to None :type fc_dataset_metadata: TYPE, optional :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ fc_name = validate_name(fc_name) if fc_metadata is None: fc_metadata = Channel(name=fc_name) if fc_data is not None: if not isinstance( fc_data, (np.ndarray, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset, pd.DataFrame) ): msg = ( "Need to input a numpy.array, xarray.DataArray, " f"xr.Dataset, pd.DataFrame not {type(fc_data)}" ) self.logger.exception(msg) raise TypeError(msg) else: chunks = True fc_data = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=complex) try: dataset = self.hdf5_group.create_dataset( fc_name, data=fc_data, dtype=complex, chunks=chunks, maxshape=max_shape, **self.dataset_options, ) fc_dataset = FCChannelDataset(dataset, dataset_metadata=fc_metadata) except (OSError, RuntimeError, ValueError) as error: self.logger.error(error) msg = f"estimate {fc_metadata.component} already exists, returning existing group." self.logger.debug(msg) fc_dataset = self.get_channel(fc_metadata.component) return fc_dataset
[docs] def get_channel(self, fc_name): """ get an fc dataset :param fc_dataset_name: DESCRIPTION :type fc_dataset_name: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ fc_name = validate_name(fc_name) try: fc_dataset = self.hdf5_group[fc_name] fc_metadata = Channel(**dict(fc_dataset.attrs)) return FCChannelDataset(fc_dataset, dataset_metadata=fc_metadata) except (KeyError): msg = f"{fc_name} does not exist, check groups_list for existing names" self.logger.error(msg) raise MTH5Error(msg) except (OSError) as error: self.logger.error(error) raise MTH5Error(error)
[docs] def remove_channel(self, fc_name): """ remove an fc dataset :param fc_dataset_name: DESCRIPTION :type fc_dataset_name: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ fc_name = validate_name(fc_name.lower()) try: del self.hdf5_group[fc_name] "Deleting a estimate does not reduce the HDF5" "file size it simply remove the reference. If " "file size reduction is your goal, simply copy" " what you want into another file." ) except KeyError: msg = f"{fc_name} does not exist, check groups_list for existing names" self.logger.error(msg) raise MTH5Error(msg)
[docs] def update_metadata(self): """ update metadata from channels :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ channel_summary = self.channel_summary.copy() if not channel_summary.empty: self._metadata.time_period.start = channel_summary.start.min().isoformat() self._metadata.time_period.end = channel_summary.end.max().isoformat() self._metadata.sample_rate_decimation_level = ( channel_summary.sample_rate_decimation_level.unique()[0] ) self._metadata.sample_rate_window_step = ( channel_summary.sample_rate_window_step.unique()[0] ) self.write_metadata()
[docs] def add_weights( self, weight_name, weight_data=None, weight_metadata=None, max_shape=(None, None, None), chunks=True, **kwargs, ): pass