
A ChannelTS object is a container for a single channel. The data are stored in an xarray.DataArray and indexed by time according to the metadata provided. Here we will make a simple electric channel and look at how to interogate it.

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from mth5.timeseries import ChannelTS
from mt_metadata.timeseries import Electric, Run, Station
2022-09-12 16:26:08,013 [line 135] mth5.setup_logger - INFO: Logging file can be found C:\Users\jpeacock\OneDrive - DOI\Documents\GitHub\mth5\logs\mth5_debug.log

Here create some metadata, the keys are the time_period.start and the sample_rate.

ex_metadata = Electric()
ex_metadata.time_period.start = "2020-01-01T00:00:00"
ex_metadata.sample_rate = 1.0
ex_metadata.component = "ex"
ex_metadata.dipole_length = 100.
ex_metadata.units = "millivolts"

Create Station and Run metadata

station_metadata = Station(id="mt001")
run_metadata = Run(id="001")

Create “realistic” data

n_samples = 4096
t = np.arange(n_samples)
data = np.sum([np.cos(2*np.pi*w*t + phi) for w, phi in zip(np.logspace(-3, 3, 20), np.random.rand(20))], axis=0)
ex = ChannelTS(channel_type="electric",
Channel Summary:
        Station:      mt001
        Run:          001
        Channel Type: electric
        Component:    ex
        Sample Rate:  1.0
        Start:        2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
        End:          2020-01-01T01:08:16+00:00
        N Samples:    4096

Get a slice of the data

Here we will provide a start time of the slice and the number of samples that we want the slice to be

ex_slice = ex.get_slice("2020-01-01T00:00:00", n_samples=256)
Channel Summary:
        Station:      mt001
        Run:          001
        Channel Type: electric
        Component:    ex
        Sample Rate:  1.0
        Start:        2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
        End:          2020-01-01T00:04:15.062271+00:00
        N Samples:    256

Plot the data

This is a work in progress, but this can be done through the xarray container.

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x219608e90d0>]

Convert to an xarray

We can convert the ChannelTS object to an xarray.DataArray which could be easier to use.

ex_xarray = ex.to_xarray()
<xarray.DataArray 'ex' (time: 4096)>
array([17.55326313,  4.75550852,  6.32715281, ..., -4.90105606,
       -0.4700183 ,  2.42377933])
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2020-01-01 ... 2020-01-01T01:08:16
    channel_number:             0
    component:                  ex
    data_quality.rating.value:  0
    dipole_length:              100.0
    filter.applied:             [False]                []
    measurement_azimuth:        0.0
    measurement_tilt:           0.0
    negative.elevation:         0.0                None
    negative.latitude:          0.0
    negative.longitude:         0.0
    negative.manufacturer:      None
    negative.type:              None
    positive.elevation:         0.0                None
    positive.latitude:          0.0
    positive.longitude:         0.0
    positive.manufacturer:      None
    positive.type:              None
    sample_rate:                1.0
    time_period.end:            2020-01-01T01:08:16+00:00
    time_period.start:          2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
    type:                       electric
    units:                      millivolts                 mt001                     001
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x219610d93a0>]

Convert to an Obspy.Trace object

The ChannelTS object can be converted to an obspy.Trace object. This can be useful when dealing with data received from a mainly seismic archive like IRIS. This can also be useful for using some tools provided by Obspy.

Note there is a loss of information when doing this because an obspy.Trace is based on miniSEED data formats which has minimal metadata.

[13]: = "mt001"
ex_trace = ex.to_obspy_trace()
.mt001..LQN | 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 2020-01-01T01:08:15.000000Z | 1.0 Hz, 4096 samples

Convert from an Obspy.Trace object

We can reverse that and convert an obspy.Trace into a ChannelTS. Again useful when dealing with seismic dominated archives.

ex_from_trace = ChannelTS()
Channel Summary:
        Station:      mt001
        Run:          None
        Channel Type: electric
        Component:    ex
        Sample Rate:  1.0
        Start:        2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
        End:          2020-01-01T01:08:16+00:00
        N Samples:    4096
Channel Summary:
        Station:      mt001
        Run:          001
        Channel Type: electric
        Component:    ex
        Sample Rate:  1.0
        Start:        2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
        End:          2020-01-01T01:08:16+00:00
        N Samples:    4096

On comparison you can see the loss of metadata information.


Removing the instrument response to calibrate the data is an important step in processing the data. A convenience function ChannelTS.remove_instrument_response is supplied just for this.
Currently, it will calibrate the whole time series at once and therefore may be slow for large data sets.

SEE ALSO: Make Data From IRIS examples for working examples.

Help on method remove_instrument_response in module mth5.timeseries.channel_ts:

remove_instrument_response(**kwargs) method of mth5.timeseries.channel_ts.ChannelTS instance
    Remove instrument response from the given channel response filter

    The order of operations is important (if applied):

        1) detrend
        2) zero mean
        3) zero pad
        4) time window
        5) frequency window
        6) remove response
        7) undo time window
        8) bandpass


    :param plot: to plot the calibration process [ False | True ]
    :type plot: boolean, default True
    :param detrend: Remove linar trend of the time series
    :type detrend: boolean, default True
    :param zero_mean: Remove the mean of the time series
    :type zero_mean: boolean, default True
    :param zero_pad: pad the time series to the next power of 2 for efficiency
    :type zero_pad: boolean, default True
    :param t_window: Time domain windown name see `` for options
    :type t_window: string, default None
    :param t_window_params: Time domain window parameters, parameters can be
    found in ``
    :type t_window_params: dictionary
    :param f_window: Frequency domain windown name see `` for options
    :type f_window: string, defualt None
    :param f_window_params: Frequency window parameters, parameters can be
    found in ``
    :type f_window_params: dictionary
    :param bandpass: bandpass freequency and order {"low":, "high":, "order":,}
    :type bandpass: dictionary