Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Aug 24 11:35:59 2022

@author: jpeacock

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# Imports
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import logging

import numpy as np

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[docs]class Z3DMetadata: """ Will read in the metadata information of a Z3D file and make each metadata entry an attirbute.The attributes are left in capitalization of the Z3D file. :param fn: full path to Z3D file :type fn: string or :class:`pathlib.Path` :param fid: file object ex. open(Z3Dfile, 'rb') :type fid: file ======================== ================================================== Attributes Definition ======================== ================================================== _header_length length of header in bits (512) _metadata_length length of metadata blocks (512) _schedule_metadata_len length of schedule meta data (512) board_cal board calibration np.ndarray() cal_ant antenna calibration cal_board board calibration cal_ver calibration version ch_azimuth channel azimuth ch_cmp channel component ch_length channel length (or # of coil) ch_number channel number on the ZEN board ch_xyz1 channel xyz location (not sure) ch_xyz2 channel xyz location (not sure) coil_cal coil calibration np.ndarray (freq, amp, phase) fid file object find_metadata boolean of finding metadata fn full path to Z3D file gdp_operator operater of the survey gdp_progver program version job_by job preformed by job_for job for job_name job name job_number job number m_tell location in the file where the last metadata block was found. rx_aspace electrode spacing rx_sspace not sure rx_xazimuth x azimuth of electrode rx_xyz0 not sure rx_yazimuth y azimuth of electrode survey_type type of survey unit_length length units (m) ======================== ================================================== :Example: >>> import mtpy.usgs.zen as zen >>> Z3Dfn = r"/home/mt/mt01/mt01_20150522_080000_256_EX.Z3D" >>> header_obj = zen.Z3DMetadata() >>> header_obj.read_metadata() """ def __init__(self, fn=None, fid=None, **kwargs): self.logger = logging.getLogger( f"{__name__}.{self.__class__.__name__}" ) self.fn = fn self.fid = fid self.find_metadata = True self.board_cal = None self.coil_cal = None self._metadata_length = 512 self._header_length = 512 self._schedule_metadata_len = 512 self.m_tell = 0 self.cal_ant = None self.cal_board = None self.cal_ver = None self.ch_azimuth = None self.ch_cmp = None self.ch_length = None self.ch_number = None self.ch_xyz1 = None self.ch_xyz2 = None self.ch_cres = None self.gdp_operator = None self.gdp_progver = None self.gdp_volt = None self.gdp_temp = None self.job_by = None self.job_for = None self.job_name = None self.job_number = None self.rx_aspace = None self.rx_sspace = None self.rx_xazimuth = None self.rx_xyz0 = None self.rx_yazimuth = None self.rx_zpositive = "down" self.line_name = None self.survey_type = None self.unit_length = None self.station = None self.count = 0 self.notes = None for key in kwargs: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
[docs] def read_metadata(self, fn=None, fid=None): """ read meta data :param string fn: full path to file, optional if already initialized. :param file fid: open file object, optional if already initialized. """ if fn is not None: self.fn = fn if fid is not None: self.fid = fid if self.fn is None and self.fid is None: self.logger.waringn("No Z3D file to read") elif self.fn is None: if self.fid is not None: self._header_length + self._schedule_metadata_len ) elif self.fn is not None: if self.fid is None: self.fid = open(self.fn, "rb") self._header_length + self._schedule_metadata_len ) else: self._header_length + self._schedule_metadata_len ) # read in calibration and meta data self.find_metadata = True self.board_cal = [] self.coil_cal = [] self.count = 0 cal_find = False while self.find_metadata == True: try: test_str = ( ) except UnicodeDecodeError: self.find_metadata = False break if "metadata" in test_str: self.count += 1 test_str = test_str.strip().split("record")[1].strip() # split the metadata records with key=value style if test_str.count("|") > 1: for t_str in test_str.split("|"): # get metadata name and value if ( t_str.find("=") == -1 and t_str.lower().find("") == -1 ): # get metadata for older versions of z3d files if len(t_str.split(",")) == 2: t_list = t_str.lower().split(",") t_key = t_list[0].strip().replace(".", "_") if t_key == "ch_varasp": t_key = "ch_length" t_value = t_list[1].strip() setattr(self, t_key, t_value) if t_str.count(" ") > 1: self.notes = t_str # get metadata for just the line that has line name # because for some reason that is still comma separated elif t_str.lower().find("") >= 0: t_list = t_str.split(",") t_key = t_list[0].strip().replace(".", "_") t_value = t_list[1].strip() setattr(self, t_key.lower(), t_value) # get metadata for newer z3d files else: t_list = t_str.split("=") t_key = t_list[0].strip().replace(".", "_") t_value = t_list[1].strip() setattr(self, t_key.lower(), t_value) elif "cal.brd" in test_str: t_list = test_str.split(",") t_key = t_list[0].strip().replace(".", "_") setattr(self, t_key.lower(), t_list[1]) for t_str in t_list[2:]: t_str = t_str.replace("\x00", "").replace("|", "") try: self.board_cal.append( [ float(tt.strip()) for tt in t_str.strip().split(":") ] ) except ValueError: self.board_cal.append( [tt.strip() for tt in t_str.strip().split(":")] ) # some times the coil calibration does not start on its own line # so need to parse the line up and I'm not sure what the calibration # version is for so I have named it odd elif "cal.ant" in test_str: # check to see if the coil calibration exists cal_find = True test_list = test_str.split(",") coil_num = test_list[1].split("|")[1] coil_key, coil_value = coil_num.split("=") setattr( self, coil_key.replace(".", "_").lower(), coil_value.strip(), ) for t_str in test_list[2:]: if "\x00" in t_str: break self.coil_cal.append( [float(tt.strip()) for tt in t_str.split(":")] ) elif cal_find and self.count > 3: t_list = test_str.replace("|", ",").split(",") for t_str in t_list: if "\x00" in t_str: break else: self.coil_cal.append( [ float(tt.strip()) for tt in t_str.strip().split(":") ] ) elif "caldata" in test_str: self.cal_board = {} sr = 256 t_list = test_str.lower().split("|") for t_str in t_list: if "\x00" in t_str: continue else: if "cal.brd" in t_str: values = [ float(tt) for tt in t_str.split(",")[-1].split(":") ] self.cal_board[sr] = dict( [ (tkey, tvalue) for tkey, tvalue in zip( ["frequency", "amplitude", "phase"], values, ) ] ) elif "cal.adfreq" in t_str: sr = int(t_str.split("=")[-1]) elif "caldata" in t_str: continue else: cal_key, cal_value = t_str.split("=") try: cal_value = float(cal_value) except ValueError: pass self.cal_board[cal_key] = cal_value else: self.find_metadata = False # need to go back to where the meta data was found so # we don't skip a gps time stamp self.m_tell = self.fid.tell() - self._metadata_length # make coil calibration and board calibration structured arrays if len(self.coil_cal) > 0: self.coil_cal = np.core.records.fromrecords( self.coil_cal, names="frequency, amplitude, phase" ) if len(self.board_cal) > 0: try: self.board_cal = np.core.records.fromrecords( self.board_cal, names="frequency, rate, amplitude, phase" ) except ValueError: self.board_cal = None try: self.station = "{0}{1}".format( self.line_name, self.rx_xyz0.split(":")[0] ) except AttributeError: if hasattr(self, "rx_stn"): self.station = f"{self.rx_stn}" elif hasattr(self, "ch_stn"): self.station = f"{self.ch_stn}" else: self.station = None self.logger.warning("Need to input station name")