Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Sep  1 12:57:32 2022

@author: jpeacock

# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================
from pathlib import Path
import dateutil
import logging

from mt_metadata.utils.mttime import MTime

# =============================================================================
[docs]class NIMSError(Exception): pass
[docs]class NIMSHeader(object): """ class to hold the NIMS header information. A typical header looks like .. code-block:: ''' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>user field>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SITE NAME: Budwieser Spring STATE/PROVINCE: CA COUNTRY: USA >>> The following code in double quotes is REQUIRED to start the NIMS << >>> The next 3 lines contain values required for processing <<<<<<<<<<<< >>> The lines after that are optional <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< "300b" <-- 2CHAR EXPERIMENT CODE + 3 CHAR SITE CODE + RUN LETTER 1105-3; 1305-3 <-- SYSTEM BOX I.D.; MAG HEAD ID (if different) 106 0 <-- N-S Ex WIRE LENGTH (m); HEADING (deg E mag N) 109 90 <-- E-W Ey WIRE LENGTH (m); HEADING (deg E mag N) 1 <-- N ELECTRODE ID 3 <-- E ELECTRODE ID 2 <-- S ELECTRODE ID 4 <-- W ELECTRODE ID Cu <-- GROUND ELECTRODE INFO GPS INFO: 01/10/19 16:16:42 1616.7000 3443.6088 115.7350 W 946.6 OPERATOR: KP COMMENT: N/S CRS: .95/.96 DCV: 3.5 ACV:1 E/W CRS: .85/.86 DCV: 1.5 ACV: 1 Redeployed site for run b b/c possible animal disturbance ''' """ def __init__(self, fn=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger( f"{__name__}.{self.__class__.__name__}" ) self.fn = fn self._max_header_length = 1000 self.header_dict = None self.site_name = None self.state_province = None = None self.box_id = None self.mag_id = None self.ex_length = None self.ex_azimuth = None self.ey_length = None self.ey_azimuth = None self.n_electrode_id = None self.s_electrode_id = None self.e_electrode_id = None self.w_electrode_id = None self.ground_electrode_info = None self.header_gps_stamp = None self.header_gps_longitude = None self.header_gps_longitude = None self.header_gps_elevation = None self.operator = None self.comments = None self.run_id = None self.data_start_seek = 0 @property def fn(self): """Full path to NIMS file""" return self._fn @fn.setter def fn(self, value): if value is not None: self._fn = Path(value) else: self._fn = None @property def station(self): """Station ID""" if self.run_id is not None: return self.run_id[0:-1] @property def file_size(self): """Size of the file""" if self.fn is not None: return self.fn.stat().st_size
[docs] def read_header(self, fn=None): """ read header information :param fn: full path to file to read :type fn: string or :class:`pathlib.Path` :raises: :class:`` if something is not right. """ if fn is not None: self.fn = fn if not self.fn.exists(): msg = f"Could not find nims file {self.fn}" self.logger.error(msg) raise NIMSError(msg) self.logger.debug(f"Reading NIMS file {self.fn}") ### load in the entire file, its not too big with open(self.fn, "rb") as fid: header_str = header_list = header_str.split(b"\r") self.header_dict = {} last_index = len(header_list) last_line = header_list[-1] for ii, line in enumerate(header_list[0:-1]): if ii == last_index: break if b"comments" in line.lower(): last_line = header_list[ii + 1] last_index = ii + 1 line = line.decode() if line.find(">") == 0: continue elif line.find(":") > 0: key, value = line.split(":", 1) self.header_dict[key.strip().lower()] = value.strip() elif line.find("<--") > 0: value, key = line.split("<--") self.header_dict[key.strip().lower()] = value.strip() ### sometimes there are some spaces before the data starts if last_line.count(b" ") > 0: if last_line[0:1] == b" ": last_line = last_line.strip() else: last_line = last_line.split()[1].strip() data_start_byte = last_line[0:1] ### sometimes there are rogue $ around if data_start_byte in [b"$", b"g"]: data_start_byte = last_line[1:2] self.data_start_seek = header_str.find(data_start_byte) self.parse_header_dict()
[docs] def parse_header_dict(self, header_dict=None): """ parse the header dictionary into something useful """ if header_dict is not None: self.header_dict = header_dict assert isinstance(self.header_dict, dict) for key, value in self.header_dict.items(): if "wire" in key: if key.find("n") == 0: self.ex_length = float(value.split()[0]) self.ex_azimuth = float(value.split()[1]) elif key.find("e") == 0: self.ey_length = float(value.split()[0]) self.ey_azimuth = float(value.split()[1]) elif "system" in key: self.box_id = value.split(";")[0].strip() self.mag_id = value.split(";")[1].strip() elif "gps" in key: gps_list = value.split() self.header_gps_stamp = MTime( dateutil.parser.parse( " ".join(gps_list[0:2]), dayfirst=True ) ) self.header_gps_latitude = self._get_latitude( gps_list[2], gps_list[3] ) self.header_gps_longitude = self._get_longitude( gps_list[4], gps_list[5] ) self.header_gps_elevation = float(gps_list[6]) elif "run" in key: self.run_id = value.replace('"', "") else: setattr(self, key.replace(" ", "_").replace("/", "_"), value)
def _get_latitude(self, latitude, hemisphere): """ Get latitude as decimal degrees :param latitude: latitude :type latitude: float :param hemisphere: hemisphere id [ 'N' | 'S' ] :type hemisphere: string :return: latitude in decimal degrees with proper sign :rtype: float """ if not isinstance(latitude, float): latitude = float(latitude) if hemisphere.lower() == "n": return latitude if hemisphere.lower() == "s": return -1 * latitude def _get_longitude(self, longitude, hemisphere): """ Get longitude as decimal degrees :param longitude: longitude :type longitude: float :param hemisphere: hemisphere id [ 'N' | 'S' ] :type hemisphere: string :return: latitude in decimal degrees with proper sign :rtype: float """ if not isinstance(longitude, float): longitude = float(longitude) if hemisphere.lower() == "e": return longitude if hemisphere.lower() == "w": return -1 * longitude