Source code for mth5.clients.make_mth5

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Updated on Wed Aug  25 19:57:00 2021

@author: jpeacock + tronan
# =============================================================================
# Imports
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from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd

from obspy.clients import fdsn
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy import read as obsread
from obspy.core.inventory import Inventory

from mt_metadata.timeseries.stationxml import XMLInventoryMTExperiment

from mth5.mth5 import MTH5
from mth5.timeseries import RunTS
from mth5.utils.mth5_logger import setup_logger

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[docs]class MakeMTH5: """ Make an MTH5 file from data archived at IRIS. You will need to know the data you want before hand, and place that into a dataframe with columns - 'network' --> FDSN Network code - 'station' --> FDSN Station code - 'location' --> FDSN Location code - 'channel' --> FDSN Channel code - 'start' --> Start time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss - 'end' --> End time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss From this data frame data will be pulled from IRIS using Obspy tools. """ def __init__(self, client="IRIS", mth5_version="0.2.0"): self.column_names = [ "network", "station", "location", "channel", "start", "end", ] self.client = client self.mth5_version = mth5_version self.logger = setup_logger(f"{__name__}.{self.__class__.__name__}") def _validate_dataframe(self, df): """ Validate data frame to conform to the desired format :param df: Input dataframe or file path :type df: :class:`pd.DataFrame`, str, Path :raises IOError: If input file path does not exist :raises ValueError: If input value is not a dataframe :return: validated dataframe :rtype: :class:`pd.DataFrame` """ if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): if isinstance(df, (str, Path)): fn = Path(df) if not fn.exists(): raise IOError(f"File {fn} does not exist. Check path") df = pd.read_csv(fn) df = df.fillna("") else: raise ValueError( f"Input must be a pandas.Dataframe not {type(df)}" ) if df.columns.to_list() != self.column_names: raise ValueError( f"column names in file {df.columns} are not the expected {self.column_names}" ) return df def _run_010(self, experiment, unique_list, streams, mth5_object): """ Loop over stations for file version 0.1.0 :param experiment: experiment metadata :type experiment: :class:`mt_metadata.timeseries.Experiment` :param unique_list: unique list of runs :type unique_list: dataframe :param streams: time series data :type streams: obspy.Stream :param mth5_object: mth5 object :type mth5_object: :class:`mth5.MTH5` """ self._loop_stations( unique_list[0]["stations"], streams, mth5_object, experiment ) def _run_020(self, experiment, unique_list, streams, mth5_object): survey_map = dict([(, for s in experiment.surveys]) for survey_dict in unique_list: # get the mt survey id that maps to the fdsn network fdsn_network = survey_dict["network"] survey_id = survey_map[fdsn_network] survey_group = mth5_object.get_survey(survey_id) self._loop_stations( survey_dict["stations"], streams, mth5_object, experiment, survey_group, survey_id, ) def _get_station_metadata(self, experiment, station_id): """ get station metadata so we can pull the run out. Because this appends surveys in the stationxml we have to loop of similarly named surveys, so this should work for version 1 or 2 files. """ station_metadata = None for survey in experiment.surveys: station_metadata = survey.get_station(station_id) if station_metadata is not None: return station_metadata def _loop_stations( self, stations, streams, mth5_object, experiment, survey_group=None, survey_id=None, ): for station_id in stations: station_metadata = self._get_station_metadata( experiment, station_id ) msstreams = trace_start_times = sorted( list(set([tr.stats.starttime.isoformat() for tr in msstreams])) ) trace_end_times = sorted( list(set([tr.stats.endtime.isoformat() for tr in msstreams])) ) if len(trace_start_times) != len(trace_end_times): raise ValueError( f"Do not have the same number of start {len(trace_start_times)}" f" and end times {len(trace_end_times)} from streams" ) if self.mth5_version in ["0.1.0"]: mobj = mth5_object try: run_list = mth5_object.get_station(station_id).groups_list except Exception: self.logger.warning( f"Unable to retrieve station {station_id} - if there is more than one survey requested, use version 0.2.0 instead of 0.1.0" ) run_list = [] elif self.mth5_version in ["0.2.0"]: mobj = survey_group run_list = mth5_object.get_station( station_id, survey_id ).groups_list try: run_list.remove("Transfer_Functions") except: pass n_times = len(trace_start_times) # adding logic if there are already runs filled in if len(run_list) == n_times: for run_id, start, end in zip( run_list, trace_start_times, trace_end_times ): # add the group first this will get the already filled in # metadata to update the run_ts_obj. run_group = mobj.stations_group.get_station( station_id ).add_run(run_id) # then get the streams an add existing metadata run_stream = msstreams.slice( UTCDateTime(start), UTCDateTime(end) ) run_ts_obj = RunTS() run_ts_obj.from_obspy_stream(run_stream, run_group.metadata) run_group.from_runts(run_ts_obj) # if there is just one run elif len(run_list) == 1: run_metadata = station_metadata.runs[0] if n_times > 1: for run_id, times in enumerate( zip(trace_start_times, trace_end_times), 1 ): run_id = f"{run_id:03}" = run_id run_group = mobj.stations_group.get_station( station_id ).add_run(run_id) run_stream = msstreams.slice( UTCDateTime(times[0]), UTCDateTime(times[1]) ) run_ts_obj = RunTS() run_ts_obj.from_obspy_stream(run_stream, run_metadata) run_group.from_runts(run_ts_obj) elif n_times == 1: run_group = mobj.stations_group.get_station( station_id ).add_run(run_list[0]) run_stream = msstreams.slice( UTCDateTime(times[0]), UTCDateTime(times[1]) ) run_ts_obj = RunTS() run_ts_obj.from_obspy_stream(run_stream, run_metadata) run_group.from_runts(run_ts_obj) elif len(run_list) != n_times: # If there is more than one run and more or less than one trace per run (possibly) self.logger.warning( "More or less runs have been requested by the user " + "than are defined in the metadata. Runs will be " + "defined but only the requested run extents contain " + "time series data " + "based on the users request." ) for run_id, start, end in zip( run_list, trace_start_times, trace_end_times ): # add the group first this will get the already filled in # metadata for run in run_list: run_group = mobj.stations_group.get_station( station_id ).get_run(run) # Chekcs for start and end times of runs run_start = run_group.metadata.time_period.start run_end = run_group.metadata.time_period.end # Create if statement that checks for start and end # times in the run. # Compares start and end times of runs # to start and end times of traces. Packs runs based on # time spans if UTCDateTime(start) >= UTCDateTime( run_start ) and UTCDateTime(end) <= UTCDateTime(run_end): run_stream = msstreams.slice( UTCDateTime(start), UTCDateTime(end) ) run_ts_obj = RunTS() run_ts_obj.from_obspy_stream( run_stream, run_group.metadata ) run_group.from_runts(run_ts_obj) else: continue else: raise ValueError("Cannot add Run for some reason.") def _process_list(self, experiment, unique_list, streams, mth5_object): versionDict = {"0.1.0": self._run_010, "0.2.0": self._run_020} process_run = versionDict[self.mth5_version] process_run(experiment, unique_list, streams, mth5_object)
[docs] def make_mth5_from_fdsnclient( self, df, path=None, client=None, interact=False ): """ Make an MTH5 file from an FDSN data center :param df: DataFrame with columns - 'network' --> FDSN Network code - 'station' --> FDSN Station code - 'location' --> FDSN Location code - 'channel' --> FDSN Channel code - 'start' --> Start time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss - 'end' --> End time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss :type df: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :param path: Path to save MTH5 file to, defaults to None :type path: string or :class:`pathlib.Path`, optional :param client: FDSN client name, defaults to "IRIS" :type client: string, optional :raises AttributeError: If the input DataFrame is not properly formatted an Attribute Error will be raised. :raises ValueError: If the values of the DataFrame are not correct a ValueError will be raised. :return: MTH5 file name :rtype: :class:`pathlib.Path` .. seealso:: .. note:: If any of the column values are blank, then any value will searched for. For example if you leave 'station' blank, any station within the given start and end time will be returned. """ if path is None: path = Path().cwd() else: path = Path(path) if client is not None: self.client = client df = self._validate_dataframe(df) unique_list = self.get_unique_networks_and_stations(df) if self.mth5_version in ["0.1.0"] and len(unique_list) != 1: raise AttributeError( "MTH5 supports one survey/network per container." ) file_name = path.joinpath(self.make_filename(df)) # initiate MTH5 file mth5_object = MTH5(file_version=self.mth5_version) mth5_object.open_mth5(file_name, "w") # read in inventory and streams inv, streams = self.get_inventory_from_df(df, self.client) # translate obspy.core.Inventory to an mt_metadata.timeseries.Experiment translator = XMLInventoryMTExperiment() experiment = translator.xml_to_mt(inv) # Updates experiment information based on time extent of streams # rather than time extent of inventory # experiment = translator.drop_runs(mth5_object, streams) mth5_object.from_experiment(experiment) self._process_list(experiment, unique_list, streams, mth5_object) if not interact: mth5_object.close_mth5() return file_name if interact: return mth5_object
[docs] def get_inventory_from_df(self, df, client=None, data=True): """ Get an :class:`obspy.Inventory` object from a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :param df: DataFrame with columns - 'network' FDSN Network code - 'station' FDSN Station code - 'location' FDSN Location code - 'channel' FDSN Channel code - 'start' Start time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss - 'end' End time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss :type df: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :param client: FDSN client :type client: string :param data: True if you want data False if you want just metadata, defaults to True :type data: boolean, optional :return: An inventory of metadata requested and data :rtype: :class:`obspy.Inventory` and :class:`obspy.Stream` .. seealso:: .. note:: If any of the column values are blank, then any value will searched for. For example if you leave 'station' blank, any station within the given start and end time will be returned. """ if client is not None: self.client = client df = self._validate_dataframe(df) # Use obspy to retrieve metadata client = fdsn.Client(self.client) # Create empty stream, inventory objects that will be populated below streams = obsread().clear() inv = Inventory(networks=[], source="MTH5") # Sort the values to be logically ordered df.sort_values(self.column_names[:-1]) # Build an inventory by looping over the rows in the dataframe # Use .groupby to make looping simpler # To do: Currently loop over network, station, channel/location for # purpose of nesting the inventories within each other. Is there a # better way to do this without requiring 3 loops? # First, group the dataframe by network-epoch network_group = df.groupby(["network", "start", "end"]) for net, net_DF in network_group: net_code = net[0] net_start = net[1] net_end = net[2] net_inv = client.get_stations( net_start, net_end, network=net_code, level="network" ) returned_network = net_inv.networks[0] # For this network-epoch, group by network-station-start-end # This will group all loc.chans together for the station-epochs in this network-epoch station_group = net_DF.groupby( ["network", "station", "start", "end"] ) for sta, sta_DF in station_group: sta_net = sta[0] sta_code = sta[1] sta_start = sta[2] sta_end = sta[3] sta_inv = client.get_stations( sta_start, sta_end, network=sta_net, station=sta_code, level="station", ) returned_sta = sta_inv.networks[0].stations[0] # No need to .groupby() for channel-level since we want to loop over each channel request for this # station-epoch for chan in sta_DF.itertuples(): cha_inv = client.get_stations( chan.start, chan.end,, station=chan.station, loc=chan.location,, level="response", ) # There may be multiple metadata epochs for a given channel-timespan requested # and to keep the metadata for all epochs you need to add each one to the station object for returned_chan in ( cha_inv.networks[0].stations[0].channels ): returned_sta.channels.append(returned_chan) # Grab the data, if specified if data: streams = ( client.get_waveforms(, chan.station, chan.location,, UTCDateTime(chan.start), UTCDateTime(chan.end), ) + streams ) # Add the stations to the associated network returned_network.stations.append(returned_sta) # Add the network (with station and channel info) to the inventory inv.networks.append(returned_network) return inv, streams
[docs] def get_df_from_inventory(self, inventory): """ Create an data frame from an inventory object :param inventory: inventory object :type inventory: :class:`obspy.Inventory` :return: dataframe in proper format :rtype: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ rows = [] for network in inventory.networks: for station in network.stations: for channel in station.channels: entry = ( network.code, station.code, channel.location_code, channel.code, channel.start_date, channel.end_date, ) rows.append(entry) return pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=self.column_names)
[docs] def get_unique_networks_and_stations(self, df): """ Get unique lists of networks, stations, locations, and channels from a given data frame. [{'network': FDSN code, "stations": [list of stations for network]}] :param df: request data frame :type df: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :return: list of network dictionaries with [{'network': FDSN code, "stations": [list of stations for network]}] :rtype: list """ unique_list = [] net_list = df["network"].unique() for network in net_list: network_dict = { "network": network, "stations": df[ == network].station.unique().tolist(), } unique_list.append(network_dict) return unique_list
[docs] def make_filename(self, df): """ Make a filename from a data frame that is networks and stations :param df: request data frame :type df: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :return: file name as network_01+stations_network_02+stations.h5 :rtype: string """ unique_list = self.get_unique_networks_and_stations(df) return ( "_".join( [ f"{d['network']}_{'_'.join(d['stations'])}" for d in unique_list ] ) + ".h5" )