Source code for mth5.groups.filter_groups.fir_filter_group

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jun  9 08:55:16 2021

    Jared Peacock (

:license: MIT


# =============================================================================
# Imports
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from mt_metadata.timeseries.filters import FIRFilter

from mth5.groups.base import BaseGroup

# =============================================================================
# fir Group
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[docs]class FIRGroup(BaseGroup): """ Container for fir type filters """ def __init__(self, group, **kwargs): super().__init__(group, **kwargs) @property def filter_dict(self): """ Dictionary of available fir filters :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ f_dict = {} for key in self.hdf5_group.keys(): fir_group = self.hdf5_group[key] f_dict[key] = { "type": fir_group.attrs["type"], "hdf5_ref": fir_group.ref, } return f_dict
[docs] def add_filter(self, name, coefficients, fir_metadata): """ create an HDF5 group/dataset from information given. :param name: Nane of the filter :type name: string :param poles: poles of the filter as complex numbers :type poles: np.ndarray(dtype=complex) :param zeros: zeros of the filter as complex numbers :type zeros: np.ndarray(dtype=comples) :param fir_metadata: metadata dictionary see :class:`mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.PoleZeroFilter` for details on entries :type fir_metadata: dictionary """ # create a group for the filter by the name fir_filter_group = self.hdf5_group.create_group(name) # create datasets for the poles and zeros fir_ds = fir_filter_group.create_dataset( "coefficients", coefficients.shape, **self.dataset_options, ) fir_ds[:] = coefficients # fill in the metadata fir_filter_group.attrs.update(fir_metadata) return fir_filter_group
[docs] def remove_filter(self): pass
[docs] def get_filter(self, name): """ Get a filter from the name :param name: name of the filter :type name: string :return: HDF5 group of the fir filter """ return self.hdf5_group[name]
[docs] def from_object(self, fir_object): """ make a filter from a :class:`mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.PoleZeroFilter` :param fir_object: MT metadata PoleZeroFilter :type fir_object: :class:`mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.PoleZeroFilter` """ if not isinstance(fir_object, FIRFilter): msg = "Filter must be a FrequencyResponseTableFilter not %s" self.logger.error(msg, type(fir_object)) raise TypeError(msg) input_dict = fir_object.to_dict(single=True, required=False) input_dict.pop("coefficients") for k, v in input_dict.items(): if v is None: input_dict[k] = str(v) fir_group = self.add_filter(, fir_object.coefficients, input_dict, ) return fir_group
[docs] def to_object(self, name): """ make a :class:`mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.pole_zeros_filter` object :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ fir_group = self.get_filter(name) fir_obj = FIRFilter(**fir_group.attrs) try: fir_obj.coefficients = fir_group["coefficients"][:] except TypeError: self.logger.debug("fir filter %s has no coefficients", name) fir_obj.coefficients = [] return fir_obj